Page 101 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 101
25. The passenger plane ---- the ground so hard 29. Over the past ten years, people ---- of an
during landing that it ---- several times on the environmental campaign that ---- the release
runway. of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
A) hit / bounced A) had been dreaming / has limited
B) had been hitting / will bounce B) are dreaming / limited
C) has been hitting / has bounced C) have dreamed / will limit
D) was hitting / bounced D) had dreamed / was limiting
E) will be hitting / is going to bounce E) have been dreaming / would limit
26. One of the most important concerns about 30. The people who ---- the Great Wall of China ----
nuclear power plants ---- the issue of often prisoners of war and criminals.
security, which ---- many nations to rely on
hydroelectric power plants instead. A) have built / have been
A) would be / is leading B) built / were
B) was / would lead C) had built / had been
C) had been / leads D) will build / will have been
D) is / was leading E) are building / are
E) has been / has led
27. In his domestic policy Marcus Aurelius ---- 31. Sean ---- some video clips on his computer
a champion of the poor, for whom he ---- and his sister ---- a pair of socks for herself at
schools, orphanages and hospitals. the present.
A) had been / has founded A) copies / knits
B) will be / would found B) copied / is knitting
C) has been / will have founded C) has been copying / knitted
D) is / had founded D) is copying / is knitting
E) was / founded E) has copied / has knitted
28. Astronomers ---- 90 extrasolar planets; in 32. There ---- minor tornadoes during the past
other words, planets that ---- stars other than ten years but they say a destructive one took
the Sun. place 15 years ago and it ---- down the entire
town in five hours.
A) will be finding / will have orbited
B) have found / orbit A) were / has pulled
B) would be / pulled
C) were finding / had been orbiting
D) are finding / orbit C) are / would pull
D) have been / pulled
E) had found / has been orbiting
E) had been / was pulling
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