Page 96 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 96


          33.  Dawton ---- only a population of 780 in 1995   37.  A metaphor, often used in poetry, ---- two
             but it ---- since then.                         things that are different, but ---- something in
             A)  has had / has been doubling
                                                             A)  compares / will have
             B)  had / has doubled
             C)  has had / doubles                           B)  compared / had
                                                             C)  will compare / have
             D)  was having / doubled
             E)  had / is doubling                           D)  has compared / had
                                                             E)  compares / have

          34.  The African elephant, whose oldest ancestor,   38.  Sebastian ---- at Susan’s house a little before
             the mammoth, ---- during prehistoric times, ----   9 pm, but she wasn’t there because she ---- at
             one of the oldest surviving animal species on   the library for her final examination in French.
             our planet.
                                                             A)  has arrived / has been studying
             A)  appears / is
                                                             B)  arrives / studies
             B)  has appeared / has been                     C)  had arrived / had studied
             C)  appeared / had been                         D)  will arrive / will be studying
             D)  had appeared / was                          E)  arrived / was studying
             E)  appeared / is

          35.  Radovan Karadzic of Serbia ---- somewhere   39.  It ---- incessantly all day, unlike yesterday,
             in his country ever since the UN ---- in the    when the sun ---- brightly in a clear sky.
             chaotic situation in the region.                A)  is raining / shone
             A)  hides / intervenes                          B)  rained / is shining
             B)  has been hiding / intervened
                                                             C)  has rained / has been shining
             C)  hid / has intervened
                                                             D)  has been raining / was shining
             D)  is hiding / will intervene
                                                             E)  rains / has shone
             E)  will have hidden / had intervened

          36.  I could see him lying there on his back; he ----   40.  When the mechanic ----, the photocopier was
             a pair of pyjamas and he ---- funny in them.    hot because it ---- for 6 hours.

             A)  has worn / was looking                      A)  has arrived / was working
             B)  is wearing / looks                          B)  arrives / is working
             C)  wore / has looked                           C)  arrived / had been working
             D)  has been wearing / is looking               D)  had arrived / will be working
             E)  was wearing / looked                        E)  arrived / was working

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