Page 112 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 112
17. It is striking to witness completely intact tribal 21. Please ignore what he says about Judy as
villages in the ---- of South American jungles. what he says has no ---- and full of mistaken
beliefs about her.
A) location B) discount
A) resource B) substance
C) wilderness D) extension
E) involvement C) element D) factor
E) urgency
18. Every animal ---- protects its young from 22. Her ---- in intelligence prevents her from
dangers and can boldly defend them against exchanging ideas or participating in
enemies. discussions.
A) instinctively B) irregularly A) lack B) division
C) relatively D) swiftly C) deficiency D) evidence
E) deeply E) equality
19. Operating elevators that are older than fifteen 23. Romans ---- many harbours around the
years is ---- as they are likely to break down at Mediterranean Sea, some of which are still
any time. used.
A) obligatory B) permanent A) obeyed B) occured
C) risky D) optional C) migrated D) constructed
E) restless E) competed
20. Eating too sour or spicy food should be 24. Even the best of your teachers are not ---- and
avoided as it can ---- the lining of stomach. they may make mistakes.
A) hinder B) irrigate A) tremendous B) secure
C) inquire D) investigate C) perfect D) erroneous
E) irritate E) responsive
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