Page 117 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 117
57. Poor people in African countries have been 61. Around 90 per cent of the UK fish farming
stuck ---- with an amazing debt that they industry is based in Scotland, ---- in the
cannot possibly repay. Highlands and Islands.
A) casually B) visibly A) absolutely B) carelessly
C) favourably D) ultimately C) exceedingly D) mainly
E) faithfully E) properly
58. The information gathered by various organs 62. When the spring ----, birds begin nest building
is carried to the brain via ---- nerves. and geese can be seen overhead flying north.
A) obvious B) sensitive A) recognizes B) explodes
C) thoughtful D) complete C) eradicates D) approaches
E) sensory E) closes
59. Conspiracy theories make us believe that we 63. Rabies is contracted by saliva that comes into
are all ---- of cruel hoaxes. contact with a cut skin by a bite, ----, or other
A) victims B) preys wounds.
C) installments D) residents A) disturbance B) pain
E) suspects C) scratch D) urge
E) nuisance
60. We did all we could do for her but she never 64. The weather calmed overnight and the
wanted to ---- her potential as a musician. morning is still and ---- for this time of year.
A) emit B) neglect A) hazardous B) sole
C) transfer D) fabricate C) mild D) conclusive
E) realise E) strict
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