Page 119 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 119


            73.  It is of extreme ---- for parents, teachers and   77.  Although it is not certain why we dream,
                other adults to learn how to communicate       our dreams are probably ---- with what we
                with youngsters effectively.                   experience while we are awake.

                A) significance       B) potential             A) associated         B) convinced
                C) aptitude           D) realization           C) established        D) laid
                          E) initiation                                   E) determined

            74.  Like many geniuses, Galileo was able to ----   78.  Although telecommunications infrastructure
                inventions and discoveries that would be       has improved quite ---- since the 1990s,
                made long after his own day.                   telephoning in Russia is still difficult and
                A) compensate         B) relieve
                                                               A) negligently        B) rapidly
                C) foresee            D) occupy
                          E) deserve                           C) leisurely          D) eventually
                                                                          E) casually

            75.  A recent survey has warned that continued   79.  Early models of roller coasters were
                habitat loss is likely to result in the serious ----   ---- dangerous with accidents occurring
                of bird populations.                           frequently.
                A) conquest           B) ascend                A) slightly           B) rarely
                C) decline            D) familiarity           C) dimly              D) extremely
                          E) quest                                        E) deliberately

            76.  In Japan, all prices are ---- quoted in yens, but   80.  No test can calculate the emotional
                dollars and euros are also accepted in hotels.  intelligence with 100% ----; errors to some
                                                               extent should always be expected.
                A) alternatively      B) generally
                                                               A) decision           B) accuracy
                C) vigorously         D) fluently
                                                               C) prediction         D) proportion
                          E) momentarily
                                                                          E) claim

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