Page 129 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 129


                                                            42.  According to the information presented in the
                 41. - 43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre     passage, when Australia became involved in
                 cevaplayınız.                                 the land mines problem, ----.

                In the 1990s, the elimination of land mines    A)  its military was ready to stop using land mines
                became a central issue in Australia’s foreign
                policy. In 1997, Australia decided unilaterally to   B)  the first thing to do was to sign an
                discontinue the manufacture and military use of   international treaty
                land mines, most of which are meant to maim    C)  it acted with several other countries in getting
                rather than kill. Australia actively promoted the   rid of its land mines
                Mine Ban Treaty, which more than 120 countries
                signed in 1997. The treaty became international   D)  it had already stopped producing and using
                law in 1999, although the United States, Russia,   land mines
                and China did not participate. Australia still   E)  this issue became the top priority in the
                promotes the treaty, as well as involving in mine-  country’s foreign affairs
                clearing efforts around the world.


            41.  What is the main purpose of the passage?   43.  It is stated in the passage that though several
                A)  To show the type of harm that land mines will   big countries kept out of the international
                                                               agreement, ----.
                B)  To inform the readers about the efforts of a   A)  mine-clearing efforts were greatly prevented
                   single country to take action against land   B)  the treaty became ineffective
                                                               C)  Australia became the only country to stand
                C)  To display land mine clearing activities world-  against land mines
                   wide in the 1990s in general
                                                               D)  Australia focused its attention on persuading
                D)  To explain why some countries that keep on    them
                   manufacturing and using land mines
                                                               E)  this did not discourage Australia in its efforts
                E)  To inform the readers why an international
                   treaty over the land mines problem has failed

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