Page 30 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 30


            57.  We are organising a celebration party      61.  Contrary to common belief, flesh does not ‑‑‑‑
                because we have ‑‑‑‑ our sales goal for this   in dry desert air.
                                                               A) treat              B) split
                A) achieved           B) received              C) prosper            D) decay
                C) surrendered        D) attended
                                                                          E) cast
                          E) directed

            58.  On satellites that have no atmosphere, like   62.  The politician was such a ‑‑‑‑ figure that
                our Moon, there are several minor meteor ‑‑‑‑   millions cried for her after her assassination.
                every day.
                                                               A) meticulous         B) disadvantageous
                A) explosions         B) collisions            C) neutral            D) negative
                C) occasions          D) negotiations
                                                                          E) prominent
                          E) leakages


            59.  When Tom proposed her to marry him, Sophia   63.  Since prehistoric times, human beings have
                didn’t ‑‑‑‑ at all, and married him in two weeks.  ‑‑‑‑ animal skins and learned to make leather.

                A) delay              B) hesitate              A) implicated         B) compelled
                C) rush               D) regret                C) utilized           D) initiated
                          E) disappoint                                   E) launched

            60.  The typhoon in Colorado yesterday was      64.  You shouldn’t ‑‑‑‑ your feelings if someone
                reported to have ‑‑‑‑ almost half of the town.  treats unfair against you.
                A) lightened          B) respected             A) restrict           B) occupy
                C) falsified          D) eradicated            C) incline            D) imply
                          E) verified                                     E) lighten

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