Page 74 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 74


            24.  Records of wars and conquests have been    27.  In addition to its hazardous role in climate
                kept ----.                                     change, ----.

                A)  as long as the Persian army managed to     A)  it is quite dangerous to minimize the role of
                   defend the city                                CO2 emissions in the atmosphere
                B)  though many soldiers had already been killed  B)  too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
                                                                  affects weather conditions
                C)  ever since the first alphabet was invented
                                                               C)  concentrated CO2 causes respiratory
                D)  and some countries had attempted to prevent   problems in human beings
                   the war between Russia and Bulgaria
                                                               D)  we should reduce the enormous amount of
                E)  and some history books provide extensive      carbon we put into the atmosphere
                   information about the conquest
                                                               E)  carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has
                                                                  increased %35 since the beginning of the
                                                                  18th century

            25.  ----, but geological studies show that it was   28.  Although the prince was powerful, ----.
                active before that era.                        A)  the King wanted him to besiege the lands in
                A)  In 1928, two villages were almost completely   the north
                   buried by a flow of lava                    B)  he never dared to challenge the authority of
                B)  Mount Etna erupted in 1971, 1981, 1983, and   the King
                   1992 respectively                           C)  the grand vizier would object his ruling the
                C)  Two new craters were formed by renewed  country
                   activity of the volcano in 1947             D)  he took over the throne when he was a child
                D)  One of the most violent eruption of Mount
                   Etna occurred in 1669 AD                    E)  no other forces helped him suppress the riot
                                                                  in the region
                E)  The first recorded eruption of Mount Etna
                   occurred in the 18th century BC

            26.  ---- so that animals can form good strong
                A)  Limestone powder is added to animal feed
                B)  Artificial food does not carry carcinogenic
                C)  Sun rays are known to reveal vitamin D in the
                D)  Food industry for pets has grown rapidly in
                   the last decade
                E)  Experts have long been engaged in
                   lengthening the life span of animals

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