Page 69 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 69


          139.İlk bakışta İngilizce basit bir dil gibi   142.(I) They say that getting married can be one of
             görünebilir ama aslında bu hiç de doğru         the most stressful things that anyone can do.
             değildir.                                       (II) It is not, therefore, a big surprise that many
                                                             marriages end in divorce in the first five years.
             A)  At first sight, English can be seen as a simple   (III) However, some parts of the day can prove
                language but in fact this statement is not true.  more stressful than others! (IV) This is because
             B)  At first glance, English comes as an easy   making a wedding speech can be a very stressful
                language but when you go into it, you see that   event for those involved. (V) To stand up and
                this is far from true.                       make a speech in front of any group can be really
                                                             nerve racking.
             C)  At first sight, English may seem a simple
                language but in reality that’s far from true.  A) I   B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V
             D)  Apparently English may seem as an
                uncomplicated language; this statement is far
                from true, though.
             E)  Despite being assumed as a simple language,
                English is, indeed, a complicated language.

          140.Kuraklık, gelecekte gıda fiyatlarında      143.(I) On a submarine, the captain is responsible
             görülebilecek artışın en önemli nedeni olabilir.  for all the order and the daily tasks to be carried
                                                             out. (II) But of course he doesn’t do everything
             A)  Drought could be the most important reason   himself. (III) He distributes the tasks among his
                of the possible increase in food prices in the   crew and makes sure that everybody does his
                future.                                      share. (IV) It is not wise to expect the crew to do
             B)  There may be an important increase in prices   everything enthusiastically if they have to leisure
                                                             time for entertainment. (V) His authority over the
                of food due to drought in the future.        crew enables everything on the submarine to be
             C)  The main reason of the increase in food  in order.
                prices is the possible drought in the future.  A) I   B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V
             D)  Because of drought, food prices are more
                likely to increase in the future.
             E)  The increase in food prices will probably take
                place because of drought.

              141 - 150. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
              okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
              bozan cümleyi bulunuz.                     144.(I) Environmentally-friendly products have
                                                             almost completely replaced those harmful for
          141.(I) Japan’s annual whale hunt starts in        nature. (II) Nevertheless, the damage mankind
             December, and Australian officials aren’t happy   has done to nature is still a big concern. (III)
             about it. (II) On October 20, the Australian    This is because of the immense effects of the
             government took the rare step of appointing a   harm formerly caused by mankind. (IV) It is
             special ambassador for whale conservation.      assumed that Amazon rainforests will have
             (III) Protesters from the anti-whaling group    completely disappeared in 50 years’ time. (V) And
             are preparing to disrupt this year’s whale hunt   it will retain its importance till nature heals that
             with boats. (IV) Sandy Holloway’s job as whale   extensive damage.
             ambassador will be to try to end commercial
             whaling in the Southern Ocean. (V) Japan has    A) I    B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V
             been getting around ban on commercial whaling
             by declaring its whale hunt to be a scientific study.
             A) I    B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V

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