Page 68 - grammar_book-1 unit web edition
P. 68

GRAMMAR BOOK                                  SET 9

          1.  Stephen King ----- really overjoyed when his   5.  The two countries ----- the problem of border
             latest book ----- more than 2 million copies in   disputes for the time being because this issue
             a matter of four months.                        ----- any further improvement in current talks.
             A)  feels / had sold                            A)  hadn’t mentioned / is going to hamper
             B)  felt / sold                                 B)  aren’t mentioning / was hampering
             C)  will feel / will sell                       C)  don’t mention / had been hampering
             D)  is going to feel / had been selling         D)  haven’t mentioned / had hampered
             E)  was feeling / has sold                      E)  will not be mentioning / will hamper

          2.  The level of inflation ----- steadily throughout   6.  Scientists strongly ----- that a manned mission
             this year, and now even the pessimists -----    to Mars ----- a reality before the end of the next
             somewhat hopeful.                               decade.

             A)  was falling / will have been                A)  believed / is going to be
             B)  falls / have been                           B)  have believed / was
             C)  had fallen / had been                       C)  believe / has been
             D)  has been falling / are                      D)  believe / will be
             E)  will fall / will be                         E)  will believe / will be

          3.  Albert Einstein ----- traces of extraordinary   7.  A major accident in this airport ----- inevitable
             intelligence when he ----- a small child.       because the volume of air traffic -----
                                                             enormously quite recently.
             A)  didn’t display / was                        A)  looked / is growing
             B)  hasn’t been displaying / has been           B)  looks / has grown
             C)  wasn’t displaying / will have been          C)  will look / grows
             D)  didn’t display / had been                   D)  had looked / grew
             E)  hadn’t been displaying / will be
                                                             E)  is going to look / has been growing

          4.  Airport security officers ----- all security   8.  Turkey ----- the UN forces in Afghanistan next
             measures; otherwise, another incidence of       year because Turkish officers ----- enough
             hijacking ----- inevitable.                     experience to fulfil such a task.
             A)  are tightening / had become                 A)  have been commanding / will gain
             B)  have tightened / became                     B)  was commanding / were gaining
             C)  will tighten / had become                   C)  commands / will have gained
             D)  are going to tighten / is going to become   D)  has commanded / have gained
             E)  are tightening / became                     E)  will command / have gained

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