Page 66 - grammar_book-1 unit web edition
P. 66
1. More and more newcomers ----- a central 5. According to the operating principle of an
sewer system and more paved roads in incandescent light bulb, electrical current -----
town, but these services ----- great amount of light as it ----- through a thin filament.
A) gave / was passing
A) have been demanding / required B) has given / has passed
B) will have demanded / have required C) will give / will pass
C) had demanded / require D) gave / passed
D) were demanding / have required E) gives / passes
E) are demanding / require
2. When native people in Americas ----- Spanish 6. By the year 1867, the American Civil War -----
soldiers on their horses for the first time, and people in both sides of the country ----- to
they ----- that there was a totally new creature adapt to the new situation.
before their eyes.
A) had ended / were trying
A) saw / thought B) ended / had been trying
B) had seen / had thought C) has ended / have been trying
C) were seeing / might think D) would have ended / would try
D) have seen / had thought E) ends / try
E) would see / would think
3. On June 9, 1870, Charles Dickens died; he 7. Mankind ----- seas and oceans since the dawn
of civilization, but recently they ----- how
----- “The Mystery of Edwin Drood” unfinished important their preservation is.
but he ----- substantial novels and countless
shorter pieces.
A) had exploited / have understood
A) left / has already written B) exploits / understand
B) had left / already wrote C) has been exploiting / will have understood
C) leaves / will have already written D) is exploiting / have understood
D) left / had already written E) has exploited / have understood
E) had left / has already written
4. Since Napoleon Bonaparte ----- on the island 8. Snow masses sometimes ----- on some slopes
of Saint Helena in 1821, there ----- many on mountains and ----- avalanches.
speculations about the cause of his death.
A) accumulated / were causing
A) died / are B) accumulate / cause
B) has died / were C) have accumulated / caused
C) died / have been D) are accumulating / are causing
D) had died / had been E) had accumulated / will cause
E) had died / are
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