Page 169 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 169
53. I think my father will forget his appointment 55. When you are going downtown in a bus, you
with his dentist again today. notice an old woman standing. Nobody seems
to give her seat and you get up and offer her
A) My father thinks he will forget to visit his your seat, saying:
dentist today once again.
A) You can enjoy yourself watching the people
B) I don’t think that my father is too forgetful to out of the window if you sit here.
neglect seeing his dentist today.
B) I don’t think you look well; take this seat,
C) I will be surprised if my father avoids going to please.
his dentist again today.
D) In my opinion, my father will forget to visit his C) Excuse me, ma’am. Please take my seat.
dentist as he did before. D) You could take either seat you like, and I’ll
take the other.
E) I suppose my father doesn’t neglect seeing
his dentist again today. E) There is a free seat over there. Be quick to
take it before someone sits.
54 - 58. sorularda, verilen durumda
söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
54. Your parents are coming next weekend to stay 56. Although you have tried a lot, you cannot
with you for a couple of days. As your father connect to the Internet via a fiber modem you
has always been punctual on his eating and have received recently. At last, you dial the
sleeping hours, you warn your children to be call center of the service provider to get help.
careful with these while they are with them, so When a person replies your call, you explain
warn them, saying: her the situation, saying:
A) If you had been a bit better behaved, you’d be A) I cannot connect to the Internet and I need
staying with us now. help.
B) Don’t upset them, or else you know you won’t B) I think there’s a problem with the connection.
get your pocket money for a few weeks. Do you know when it will be done?
C) You can do whatever you want. They won’t C) I don’t know what to do with that modem. I
say anything to you. think it’s out of order.
D) If it weren’t for your selfishness, we would D) I believe you will help me this time. I’d like a
spend more quiet days. faster connection.
E) If we don’t want to upset them, we should pay E) Do you think I can easily follow your
attention to eating and sleeping hours. instructions on the telephone?
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