Page 174 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 174
73. Bilgisayarla yapılan sınavlarda, öğrenci 75. Krater, bir gezegenin veya uydunun
tarafından verilen her bir doğru sorudan sonra yüzeyindeki kase şeklindeki bir oyuktur ve
daha zor bir soru gelmekte ve yanlış yanıtlar bunlar ya volkanik bir olayla ya da meteor
daha kolay sorularla devam etmektedir. çarpmasıyla oluşmuştur.
A) In computerized tests, each correct answer A) A crater, which is a bowl-shaped pit on the
given by you will be followed by a more surface of a planet or a moon, are formed
difficult question, and incorrect answers will either by volcanic activity or by meteorite
be followed by less difficult questions. impact.
B) In computerized tests, each correct answer B) A crater is a bowl-shaped pit on the surface of
given is followed by a more difficult question, a planet or a moon and they are formed either
and incorrect answers are followed by less by volcanic activity or by meteorite impact.
difficult questions. C) A crater is defined as a bowl-shaped pit on
C) In computerized tests, although each correct the surface of a planet or a moon and they
answer given by a student is followed by a are known to have been formed either by
more difficult question, incorrect answers are volcanic activity or by meteorite impact.
followed by less difficult questions. D) A crater which is a bowl-shaped pit on the
D) In computerized tests, each correct answer surface of a planet may have been formed
given by a student is followed by a more either by volcanic activity or by meteorite
difficult question, whereas incorrect answers impact.
are followed by less difficult questions.
E) A crater is a bowl-shaped pit on the surface of
E) In computerized tests, each correct answer a planet or a moon, which has been formed
given by a student is followed by a more either by volcanic activity or by meteorite
difficult question, and incorrect answers are impact.
followed by less difficult questions.
74. Mevcut kaynaklara göre, gelecekte dünyanın
medeni toplumlarının devamını sağlamak için
alternatif enerji kaynaklarının gerekli olacağı
A) In light of the reserves available, it is probable
that alternative energy sources will be
required to maintain life of the societies of the
world in the future.
B) According to the reserves available, it is
apparent that alternative energy sources will
be definitely required to maintain the civilized
societies of the world in the future.
C) According to the reserves available, it is
certain that alternative energy sources will be
required to maintain the civilized societies of
the world in the future.
D) In light of the reserves available, it is more
likely that alternative energy sources will be
required to maintain the societies of the world
in the future.
E) In light of the reserves, it is obvious that
alternative energy sources are required to
maintain the civilized societies in the future.
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