Page 171 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 171


            61.  Before the invention of printing machines,   63.  Fortune telling is the practice of predicting
                people spread news by words of mouth,          the future through psychic means, such as
                written letters or public notices. As more     the interpretation of signs or communication
                people learned to read and write, news         with supernatural forces. Many people use
                reports gained added reliability. ---- Its     astrology as a method of fortune telling.
                publishing practices centered on acta          Other methods include palmistry, the
                diurna, handwritten newssheets posted by       practice of interpreting the lines in hands.
                the government in the public marketplace       ---- In necromancy, people predict the future
                from the year 59 BC to 222 AD. During 618      through communication with the spirits of
                and 907, the Chinese used carved wooden        dead people. Some methods of fortune telling
                blocks to print, making them the first printed   involve the ability to perceive events beyond
                newspapers in history.                         the range of the senses.
                A)  Fable is a way of narrating stories using the   A)  Fortune telling has little support in science.
                   animals as main characters.                 B)  Cartomancy is the prediction of the future
                B)  With publishing, advertisement emerged.       using special cards such as tarot cards.
                C)  The invention of the printing press was    C)  Fortune telling is popular in many countries.
                   revolutionary.                              D)  There are other ways to predict the future.
                D)  The Egyptians used symbols for writing,
                   called hieroglyps                           E)  People who predicts the future with some
                                                                  means are called fortune tellers.
                E)  Ancient Rome had a sophisticated system for
                   circulating written news.


            62.  Most scientists agree that life on Earth is    64 - 69. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
                now faced with the most severe extinction       anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
                episode since the event that made the
                dinosaurs extinct. No one knows exactly how   64.  The first labyrinths were for ritual walking and
                many species are being lost because no one     processions and they became an important
                knows exactly how many species exist on        feature of the Ancient Greek and Roman
                Earth. Estimates vary. ---- Of these, biologists   civilizations.
                estimate that as many as 27,000 species are
                becoming extinct each year.                    A)  İlk labirentler dini yürüyüş ve geçit törenleri
                                                                  için kullanılırdı ve antik Yunan ve Roma
                A)  This means an astounding three species        medeniyetlerinde önemli bir özellik haline
                   every hour.
                B)  Global measures should be taken            B)  İlk labirentler dini yürüyüş ve geçit törenleri
                   immediately.                                   yapılmasında, antik Yunan ve Roma
                C)  The number of species facing extinction will   medeniyetlerinde önemli bir özellik haline
                   remarkably increase.                           gelmişti.
                D)  Some endangered animals are kept in zoos   C)  İlk labirentler antik Yunan ve Roma
                   and national parks.                            medeniyetlerinde önemli bir özellik haline geldi
                E)  However, the most widely accepted figure lies   ve dini yürüyüş ve geçit törenleri için kullanıldı.
                   between 10 and 13 million species.          D)  İlk labirentler dini yürüyüş ve geçit
                                                                  törenleri içindi ve antik Yunan ve Roma
                                                                  medeniyetlerinde önemli bir özellik haline geldi.
                                                               E)  İlk labirentler antik Yunan ve Roma
                                                                  medeniyetlerinde önemli bir özelliğe sahipti
                                                                  çünkü bunlar dini yürüyüş ve geçit törenleri
                                                                  için kullanılırdı.

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