Page 175 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 175


                                                            79.  (I) The children particularly liked the carpets
                 76 - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla        section in the museum. (II) They were
                 okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü        fascinated by their variety and design. (III) The
                 bozan cümleyi bulunuz.                        Museum of Ottoman Arts has a rich carpet
                                                               collection. (IV) They examined all their details
            76.  (I) The Pyramids were built of two different kinds   and asked their teachers for extra information.
                of rock: a fairly soft rock called limestone, and a   (V) And at the end of the visit, they were
                much harder rock called granite. (II) These rocks   reluctant to leave the museum.
                had to be dug out from the ground. (III) Even
                today many of these ancient quarries, as they are   A) I   B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V
                called, are still being used. (IV) You may wonder
                why the Egyptians didn’t build their pyramids
                completely out of granite if they wanted them to
                last forever. (V) The answer is a very practical
                one: the limestone quarries were near the site
                where the pyramids were built, whereas the
                nearest granite quarries were 500 miles away.
                A) I    B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V

            77.  (I) Colour blindness is a visual defect resulting in   80.  (I) The first air bag was patented in 1953 by
                the inability to distinguish colours. (II) The colour   American engineer John Hetrick. (II) The
                of the sky and the ocean blue is one of the most   aerospace firm Martin Marietta had conducted
                popular colours. (III) Peaceful blue causes the   air bag experiments in the 1960s, but the
                body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often   system was never produced. (III) In the
                used in bedrooms. (IV) Fashion consultants     1970s, Ford Motor Company developed an
                recommend wearing blue to job interviews  automotive air bag system that also never made
                because it symbolizes loyalty. (V) However,    it into production. (IV) A federal law required
                although this colour has many positive effects, it   automobile makers to install passive restraints
                can also be cold and depressing.               and this made General Motors introduce the

                A) I    B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V          first air bags in 1973. (V) Mercedes-Benz has
                                                               introduced many advances to automobile
                                                               A) I     B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V

            78.  (I) In the summer of 1978, the World Cup soccer
                tournament was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
                (II) Much more than a sporting event, at the World
                Cup every goal scored carried the potential for
                violent consequences. (III) General Jorge Rafael
                Videla took no chances. (IV) He ordered some
                5,000 troops to stand watch over stadiums and
                the training facilities of the 15 visiting teams.
                (V) In a country where the average monthly
                income was about $200 called the expenditures
                A) l    B) ll   C) lll   D) lV   E) V

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