Page 63 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 63
115.Most of the trash and pollutants produced by 117.During his life Defoe wrote over 500 articles
human activities end up in the world’s oceans. and books, but he is best known for Robinson
---- Some pollutants, such as chemicals in Crusoe. This is considered by many to be the
smoke, first enter the atmosphere and later first English novel and is based on the true
end up in the ocean. A lot of marine pollution story of a Scottish sailor. ---- It was translated
comes from rivers and streams that empty into many languages and influenced many
into the oceans. later writers and thinkers.
A) Scientists try to understand the causes of air A) A Scottish sailor reaches an unknown land
pollution as well. after his ship has been sunk by a terrible
B) Sometimes these materials are directly
drained or dumped into the ocean, either on B) When it was published, it was an immediate
purpose or by accident. success.
C) Furthermore, oceanography has become C) Those days, people liked stories of this kind.
increasingly popular in Europe.
D) The story is still read by many with such
D) Fertilizers and pesticides from farms threaten excitement.
our rivers.
E) Many Scottish sailors used to prefer working
E) The two biggest and most serious causes on ships then.
of coastal pollution are sewage disposal
and sedimentation from land-clearing and
construction projects.
116.The materials used for the walls of houses 118.One of the most important and highly
vary according to what is available. The advanced civilizations of ancient times lived
traditional wall in many parts of Europe is of in South America were Mayans. ---- They
brick or stone, but in those regions where understood the movements of the planets
forests abound, house walls are made of and they could predict when an eclipse would
wood. ---- In tropical countries wall of bamboo occur. Surprisingly however, they couldn’t
covered with raffia suffice, while in the arctic even build a simple arch.
the Eskimo builds the walls of his igloo frozen
snow. A) Unfortunately the modern world doesn’t know
much about what they achieved.
A) These latter range from the ornamental
chalets of Switzerland to the plain log cabins B) That’s why it attracts many scientists,
of the Canadian backwoods. anthropologists and archaeologists from all
around the world.
B) If the soil is clay, special care has to be taken
with the foundations. C) The Mayans were excellent astronomers.
C) Even so, the floors and the staircases may D) Because they knew about a lot of things that
also be made of wood. was impossible to know that time.
D) Of course, some people prefer stone houses E) It is still a mystery today how they built such a
and these also have certain advantages; in grand civilization.
the summer, for instance, they usually remain
E) Another problem arises if the building site has
a heavy clay soil.
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