Page 68 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 68


            135.İnsan mavi ya da yeşil bir nesneyi algılar,   137.Yeni makinelerle ilgili önemli bir sorun olmalı
                ancak soyut bir düşünce olarak mavi ya da      çünkü sabahtan beri hiçbirini çalıştırmadılar.
                yeşili düşünemez.
                                                               A)  There must be an important problem with
                A)  What a person can perceive is not the         the new machinery because they haven’t
                   abstract idea of blue or green but a blue or a   operated any of them since the morning.
                   green object.
                                                               B)  I think there is a problem with the new
                B)  A person perceives a blue or a green object,   machinery as they haven’t operated them
                   yet cannot think of blue or green as an        since the morning.
                   abstract idea.                              C)  Because they haven’t operated the new
                C)  A person can easily think of a blue or a green   machinery since the morning, we thought
                   object, but it is not possible to imagine it as an   there was something wrong with them.
                   abstract idea.
                                                               D)  There must be something wrong with the new
                D)  Not the abstract idea of blue or green but    machinery because they couldn’t operate
                   the shape of a blue or green object can be     them today.
                   perceived by a person.                      E)  The new machinery couldn’t start in the
                E)  Not only can a person perceive a blue or a    morning and I think something must have
                   green object but also can think of blue or     gone wrong.
                   green as an abstract idea.


            136.Dört saat önce İstanbul’a varmış olmalıydık,   138.Genç kadın jimnastikçiler başarılı olma şansını
                ama bir araba kazası yüzünden hâlâ yoldayız.   elde etmek için çok sıkı çalışmak ve pek çok
                                                               normal etkinlikten vazgeçmek zorundadırlar.
                A)  A car accident kept us waiting on the way, so
                   we will arrive in Istanbul four hours late.  A)  Young female gymnasts must train hard and
                B)  We were going to leave for Istanbul four hours   quit their normal activities when they want a
                                                                  chance to be successful.
                   ago but we didn’t because of a car accident.
                                                               B)  Young female gymnasts have to train very
                C)  We should have arrived in Istanbul four hours   hard and give up a lot of normal activities to
                   ago but we had an accident and arrived in      get a chance of becoming successful.
                   Istanbul four hours late.
                D)  We were to have arrived in Istanbul four hours   C)  Young female gymnasts train very hard and
                                                                  must give up a lot of activities, so this gives
                   ago, but we are still on the way on account of   them a chance towards success.
                   a car accident.
                                                               D)  To be able to achieve success, young female
                E)  There was a car accident on the road four     gymnasts both work very hard and give up a
                   hours ago, so we are still not in Istanbul now.  lot of their normal activities.
                                                               E)  Not only do young female gymnasts work
                                                                  hard but they give up many of their daily
                                                                  activities for a chance to be successful.

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