Page 67 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 67


                                                         133.Önlemler yetersiz kalmış olabilir ama yine de
              131 - 140. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye   o yıllardaki yüksek enflasyonun esas sebebi
              anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.    petrol kriziydi.

          131.Gerçek sonuçlar bu tür ifadelerde dile         A)  Since the main reason for the high inflation
             getirilen ya da kastedilen sonuçlardan büyük      was the oil crisis during those years, the
             ölçüde farklı olabilir.                           measures may have been insufficient.

             A)  Actual results will vary to a great extend from   B)  The main reason for the high inflation was an
                any results that such statements express or    oil crisis but the measures the government
                imply.                                         took during those years may have been
             B)  Actual results as well as results that such
                statements express or imply will be utterly   C)  The measures may have been insufficient;
                different.                                     however, the main reason for the high inflation
                                                               during those years was the oil crisis.
             C)  Actual results may vary significantly from
                the results expressed or implied in such     D)  The high inflation resulted mainly from the oil
                statements.                                    crisis, so the measures taken during those
                                                               years may have been insufficient.
             D)  Actual results can be totally different from
                those results expressed or implied in such   E)  Both the oil crisis and the insufficiency of the
                statements.                                    measures taken during those years resulted
                                                               in the high inflation.
             E)  Actual outcomes and outcomes expressed
                or implied in statements like these can be
                different from each other.

          132.Bu ormanda kamp yaparken dikkatli olmalıyız,   134.Biriktirdiği parayla istediği her yere gidebilirdi
             çünkü hava aniden bozabilir.                    ama o yatırım yapmayı tercih etti.
             A)  We are going to be very careful while camping   A)  He was able to go wherever he wanted with
                in this forest because the weather may         what he had saved, though he also made an
                suddenly get worse.                            investment.
             B)  It is necessary to pay special attention to the   B)  He should have gone wherever he wished
                weather while camping here as the weather is   instead of investing the money he saved.
                very unpredictable.
                                                             C)  He was supposed to go somewhere he
             C)  As the weather in this forest is unpredictable,   wanted with his savings, and preferred to
                we had better be careful while camping here.   make an investment instead.
             D)  We ought to be careful while camping in this   D)  He could have gone wherever he wanted
                forest because the weather may suddenly get    with the money he saved, but he preferred to
                worse.                                         make an investment.
             E)  Because it is impossible to predict when it   E)  He could have gone anywhere with the
                will rain, we have to be very careful while    money he saved, but making an investment
                camping in this forest.                        was his preference.

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