Page 7 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 7
17. Yesterday at work I ‑‑‑‑ deal with so many 21. Professional athletes ‑‑‑‑ a lot of money, but at
problems; there were several times when I ‑‑‑‑ the same time they ‑‑‑‑ regularly at increasing
have screamed. levels to maintain their condition.
A) used to / should A) had to earn / will have trained
B) would / must B) may be earning / have to train
C) was to / will C) may have earned / can train
D) had better / might D) might be earning / used to train
E) had to / could E) must be earning / would rather train
18. Some particles ‑‑‑‑ easily dissolve in water but 22. The woods that we are going to walk through
some ‑‑‑‑, so they just sink or float. ___ be very muddy, so you ___ wear your
wellington boots.
A) must / mustn’t
B) should / shouldn’t A) were supposed to / would like to
B) are likely to / should
C) can / can’t
D) may / may not C) have to / had better
E) are able to / couldn’t D) had better / ought to
E) might / would
19. I ‑‑‑‑ reach a standard weight to have the right 23. I ‑‑‑‑ the piano quite well, but I haven’t
to enter the competition; that’s why, I ‑‑‑‑ practiced for so long that I don’t think I ‑‑‑‑
follow a strict diet. play well any more.
A) must / can A) must have played / should
B) have had to / would B) could play / can
C) was able to / could C) had to play / might
D) have to / have to D) would play / must
E) had better / used to E) should have played / had to
20. The children I teach are very helpful; normally, 24. Jim ‑‑‑‑ the motorbike coming up behind him;
I ‑‑‑‑ tell them to keep the room tidy since they he ‑‑‑‑ his rear‑view mirror fixed long ago.
‑‑‑‑ do it without being asked.
A) shouldn’t see / was able to have
A) would rather not / would sooner
B) mightn’t see / would have
B) needn’t / had to C) mustn’t see / had to have
C) don’t have to / can
D) can’t have seen / should have had
D) didn’t use to / might
E) couldn’t have seen / might have had
E) had better not / had better
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