Page 87 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 87
72. Normal bir çocuğunki 2 dakika olmasına 74. Başrolünde Christopher Reeve’ın oynadığı ilk
karşın, hiperaktif olan bir çocuğun dikkat Süpermen filmi 1978’de piyasaya çıkışında
süresi sadece 10 saniyedir. 134 milyon dolardan fazla para kazandırdı.
A) The attention span of a normal child is 2 A) The first “Superman” movie was released in
minutes, while that of a child with hyperactivity 1978 and it earned more than $134 million
is 10 seconds. thanks to its star Christopher Reeve.
B) Although the attention span of a child with B) The first “Superman” movie earned more than
hyperactivity is only 10 seconds, the attention $134 million on its 1978 release, and the star
span of a normal child is 2 minutes. was Christopher Reeve.
C) The attention span of a child with hyperactivity C) In the first “Superman” movie, the star was
lasts only 10 seconds whereas that of a Christopher Reeve, and it earned more than
normal child lasts 2 minutes. $134 million only in 1978.
D) The attention span of a child with hyperactivity D) The first “Superman” movie, whose star was
is only 10 seconds but that of a normal child is Christopher Reeve, earned more than $134
2 minutes. million on its 1978 release.
E) The attention span of a child with hyperactivity E) The first “Superman” movie had the star
is only 10 seconds, while that of a normal Christopher Reeve in the cast, so the movie
child is 2 minutes. earned more than $134 million in 1978.
73. Babam gençken vaktinin çoğunu bahçede 75. İngiltere’deki yiyecek endüstrisi, insanları
çalışarak geçirebilirdi, ama şimdi sadece ürünlerini alması için ikna etmek üzere
birkaç dakika çalışabiliyor ve sık sık reklam için yılda 4,5 milyon paund para
dinleniyor. harcamaktadır.
A) When my father was young, he used to spend A) England’s food industry spends more than
most of his time working in the garden, but he 4.5 million pounds a year to advertise their
can’t any more since he can work only for a products in order to sell them.
few minutes.
B) The food industry in England usually spends
B) My father could spend most of his time 4.5 million pounds a year on advertising to
working in the garden when he was young, make people buy their products.
but now he has to have frequent rests if he
works even for a few minutes. C) The food industry in England spends about
4.5 million pounds on advertising every year
C) When my father was young, he could spend in order to persuade people to buy those
most of his time working in the garden, but products.
today he can work only for a few minutes and
has frequent rests. D) The food industry in England spends 4.5
million pounds a year for advertising to
D) Because he was young, my father could persuade people to buy its products.
spend most of his time in the garden in the
past, but as an old man today, he works only E) England’s food industry spends 4.5 million
for a few minutes and has frequent rests. pounds every year for advertising to persuade
people to buy their products.
E) Although my father can work only for a few
minutes and has frequent rests today, he
could spend most of his time working in the
garden when he was young.
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