Page 88 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 88
79. (I) In AD 79, Mount Vesuvius, near Naples in
76 - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla Italy, erupted one night. (II) The mountain erupted
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü again in 1944 but this time nobody died. (III) A
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. river of burning rocks came down the sides of the
mountain. (IV) A massive cloud of volcanic gas
76. (I) Most psychologists agree that vocabulary and ash covered the town of Pompeii. (V) The hot
testing is one of the best ways of finding out how ash caught people inside their houses and about
high a person’s intelligence is. (II) A person could 20,000 of them died.
speak English and manage with as little as 300
well-chosen words. (III) The average 11-year-old A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
knows 5000 words; a high school graduate, about
10, 000 and the average university graduate can
understand 15, 000 to 20, 000. (IV) Of course,
the understanding vocabulary is much larger than
the vocabulary usually used in speech or writing.
(V) But authors don’t pay attention necessarily to
the number of the words one can understand.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
77. (I) Sound intensity is measured in units called 80. (I) Social scientists have developed some
decibels. (II) In the wilderness, a typical sound theories about how family structures and
level would be 35 decibels. (III) Speech runs functions evolved. (II) In prehistoric societies, two
65 to 70 decibels; heavy traffic generates 90 or three nuclear families banded together for part
decibels. (IV) Likewise, most noise pollution of the year but separated into separate nuclear
comes from machines, especially automobiles, units in those seasons when food was scarce.
trucks and aircraft. (V) By 140 decibels, sound (III) The family was an economic unit; men
becomes painful to the human ear, but ill effects, hunted, while women gathered and prepared
including hearing loss, set in at much lower food and looked after children. (IV) Monogamy,
levels. however, exists in non-industrial, tribal forms of
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V modern society. (V) Some scientists claim that
prehistoric people were monogamous.
A) I
E) V
78. (I) Fish are for the most part much quieter.
(II) Most whales are social animals. (III) They
like to live and travel in groups called pods.
(IV) Whales communicate with each other by
singing complex songs. (V) However, some of
these sounds are too high or too low-pitched
for us to hear.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
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