Page 34 - grammar_book-1 unit web edition
P. 34


                  ADVERBIAL CLAUSE OF TIME WITH “WHEN”                      MAIN CLAUSE

                                                                    all his relatives had already passed
                        he came back to his hometown after a long time
            WHEN                                                                away.
                     (Uzun zaman sonra memleketine geri döndüğünde)
                                                                    (tüm akrabaları çoktan ölmüştü.)

                         Burada Past Perfect Tense kullanımı mecburidir çünkü ilk gerçekleşen olay “already” zarfı ile
               Tip       belirtilmiştir. Aşağıdaki örneğe bu tense yerine Simple Past Tense kullanılırsa anlamda nasıl bir
                         değişiklik olacağını anlamak için bir bakalım:

            ➠   When he came back to his hometown after a long time, all his relatives had already passed away. (First he
               came back, then his relatives passed away.)

             Ancak ana cümledeki fiil “be” ise already zarfı ile past tense kullanılabilir.
            ➠   When we got back home, our brother was already at home.

            ➠   When the Queen arrived in Rome, the Italian authorities had completed all the preparations to welcome
               (First, they completed preparations; then she arrived in Rome.)

            ➠   When the Queen arrived in Rome, the Italian authorities met her at the national airport.
               (First, the Queen arrived in Rome; then they met her.)

           AS SOON AS

               ADVERBIAL CLAUSE OF TIME WITH “AS SOON AS”                    MAIN CLAUSE
                                    Jack (had) realized his fault,       he apologised to Mary.
              AS SOON AS
                                  (Jack hatasını fark eder etmez)        (Mary’den özür diledi.)

               Tip        “As soon as” zaten hangi olayın önce ya da sonra gerçekleştirdiğini belirttiği için burada Past
                         Perfect Tense kullanımı isteğe bağlıdır.

            ➠   As soon as we (had) received the required amount of money, we sent the order to its destination.
            ➠   Cold sweat started to run down over the girl’s face as soon as the man (had) aimed the gun at her head.


              ADVERBIAL CLAUSE OF TIME WITH “AFTER”                      MAIN CLAUSE

                          his medication period (had) ended       doctors decided to discharge him.
                       (İlaç tedavisi süresi sona erdikten sonra,)  (doktorlar onu taburcu etmeye karar verdi.)

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