Page 61 - grammar_book-1 unit web edition
P. 61
1. Between the mid-1980s and mid-1990s the 5. Since the earliest days of plant and animal
amount of road nearly ----- in Indonesia. domestication, around 10,000 years ago,
humans ----- that characteristic traits
A) has doubled of parents could be transmitted to their
B) had been doubling offspring.
C) doubled A) understand
D) was doubling B) were understanding
E) have been doubling C) understood
D) have understood
E) will understand
2. As William the Conqueror ----- through 6. When liquid ----- in a closed container, gas
England, it became necessary to fortify key molecules ----- above the liquid as vapor.
positions to secure the land he -----.
A) will evaporate / collect
A) has advanced / has taken B) evaporates / collect
B) had advanced / takes C) have evaporated / is collecting
C) was advancing / has been taking D) evaporated / have been collecting
D) advanced / had taken E) will have evaporated / collected
E) advances / will take
3. Since 1989, when more than 5,600 infants 7. In July 1947 the Dutch ----- attacks, by
claiming that the other countries ----- the
----- of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, the agreement.
number of cases ----- steadily in the United
States. A) had launched / violated
A) have died / decreased B) were launching / have violated
B) died / has decreased C) launched / had violated
C) had died / decreased D) have launched / have been violating
D) die / will decrease E) had been launching / was violating
E) will have decreased / is decreasing
4. Swiss watchmaking by the 1850s ----- to the 8. The researchers who ----- the data in 1995
development of a number of small factories admitted that the sample ----- the U.S.
population of that day.
and the foundation of a major industry.
A) has led A) have published / didn’t represent
B) leads B) published / didn’t represent
C) will have been leading C) are publishing / won’t represent
D) had led D) published / hasn’t represented
E) has been leading E) will have published / wasn’t representing
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