Page 62 - grammar_book-1 unit web edition
P. 62

GRAMMAR BOOK                                  SET 3

          1.  Scientists in China ----- on this project for 5   5.  On a typical mission, the submarine ----- its
             years when scientists in America ----- a new    home port and submerges as soon as it -----
             solution to pollution.                          the open seas.
             A)  were studying / found                       A)  leaves / will reach
             B)  have studied / will find                    B)  will leave / reached
             C)  had been studying / found                   C)  had left / reached
             D)  have been studying/ had found               D)  leaves / reaches
             E)  will have been studying / will find         E)  has left / had reached

          2.  Deism ----- prominent in the 17th and 18th   6.  The site ----- shipments of radioactive waste
             centuries during the Age of Enlightenment,      until people ----- it.
             especially in what ----- now the United
             Kingdom and United States.                      A)  doesn’t receive / will discover
                                                             B)  hasn’t received / discovered
             A)  has become / was
             B)  became / is                                 C)  wasn’t receiving / discover
             C)  had become / had been                       D)  won’t receive / discover
             D)  will have become / will be                  E)  hadn’t received / haven’t discovered
             E)  is becoming / is being

                                                             fluid, it ----- some of the fluid out of the pump.
          3.  People ----- the first peace societies in history   7.  As the high-velocity stream ----- through the
             in the U.S. in 1815, and since then pacifists   A)  passes / carries
             ----- wars and conscription.                    B)  passed / will have carried

             A)  have established / opposed                  C)  will pass / will be carrying
             B)  had established / have opposed              D)  passed / had passed
             C)  have been establishing / have opposed       E)  have been passing / have carried
             D)  established / have been opposing
             E)  was establishing / had opposed

                                                         8.  The first published sketch, “A Dinner at
                                                             Poplar Walk” ----- tears to Dickens’s eyes
          4.  Once World War I -----, the countries ----- their   when he ----- it in the pages of The Monthly
             entire populations and economic resources to    Magazine in 1833.
             achieve victory on the battlefield.
                                                             A)  had brought / was discovering
             A)  has begun / had mobilized
             B)  began / mobilized                           B)  has brought / had discovered
             C)  begins / will have mobilized                C)  brought / discovered
             D)  will have begin / mobilize                  D)  brings / will discover
             E)  was beginning / have been mobilizing        E)  will bring / will have discovered

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