Page 22 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 22


                  VERB                              MEANING/SYNONYM                    ANLAMI
             estimate                        guess                             tahmin etmek
             evaluate                        consider/study sth carefully      değerlendirmek
             evaporate                       change into gas or vapour         buharlaşmak
             evoke                           make sb remember sth              anımsatmak, aklına getirmek
             evolve                          develop                           gelişmek, geliştirmek
             exaggerate                      make sth seem larger, better, etc.  abartmak
             examine                         look at sb/sth carefully/test     incelemek/sınav yapmak

             excavate                        dig in the ground                 kazı yapmak
             exceed                          be more than a particular amount  geçmek, aşmak
             exclude         from sth        keep out                          hariç tutmak, hesaba
             execute                         kill sb as a legal punishment     idam etmek, infaz etmek
             exert           on sb/sth       use authority, power etc.         kullanmak, uygulamak
             exhale                          send air out of your mouth        nefes vermek
             exhaust                         finish all supplies               tüketmek
             exhibit                         show objects                      sergilemek, göstermek

             exile                           force sb to leave their home      sürgüne göndermek
             expand                          increase in size or amount        genişlemek, büyümek
             expect                          think that sth will happen        ummak, beklemek
             explain                         make sth clear to understand      açıklamak
             explode                         burst with noise and force        patlamak, patlatmak
             exploit                         use sth for your advantage        kullanmak, sömürmek
             explore                         go around to find out what is there  keşfetmek
             export                          send goods to another country     ihraç etmek
             expose                          remove what is covering sth       açığa çıkarmak
             express                         show what you think               ifade etmek
             extend                          make sth bigger or longer         uzatmak, genişletmek
             extinguish                      stop sth burning                  söndürmek

             extract                         take sth out, using force         çekmek, çekip çıkarmak
             face                            deal with sth                     yüz yüze gelmek
             fail                            not be successful                 başarısız olmak
             faint                           suddenly become unconscious       bayılmak
             fake                            copy sth in order to deceive people  taklit etmek
             fall                            move down/become less             yere düşmek, azalmak
             fancy                           want                              arzu etmek, canı çekmek
             fascinate                       interest sb a lot                 büyülemek, hayran bırakmak

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