Page 23 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 23


               VERB                              MEANING/SYNONYM                    ANLAMI
          fasten                          close or fix sth together         bağlamak
          feature                         include                           dahil etmek
          feed                            give food                         beslemek
          feel                            experience an emotion             hissetmek, hissini duymak
          fertilize                       put a chemical substance on land  gübrelemek
          fetch                           go to get sth and bring them back  gidip getirmek

          fight                           use force/argue                   uğraşmak, savaşmak,
          fill                            make full/become full             doldurmak
          find                            discover when searching for it    bulmak, anlamak
          finish                          complete, end                     bitirmek, sona erdirmek
          fire                            shoot a bullet from a gun         ateş etmek
                                          tell sb to leave the job          işten kovmak
          fit                             be the right shape or size        uymak, tam ölçüsünde olmak
          fix                             repair/decide a certain date, price  tamir etmek/kararlaştırmak
          flatter                         say nice things                   övmek, methetmek

          float                           stay on the surface of a liquid or in air  yüzmek, havada asılı kalmak
          flourish                        grow or develop well              büyümek, gelişmek
          flow                            move somewhere in a continuous way  akmak
          follow                          go behind sb/sth                  izlemek, takip etmek
          forbid                          order sb not to do sth            yasaklamak, men etmek
          force                           make sb do sth                    zorlamak, zorla yaptırmak
          forecast                        predict                           tahmin etmek
          foresee                         expect a future situation         öngörmek
          forget                          be unable to remember             unutmak
          forgive                         decide not to be angry with sb    affetmek
          foster                          encourage sth to develop          gelişmesine yardımcı olmak
          found                           start an organization             kurmak, oluşturmak

          fracture                        break sth hard                    kırılmak, kırmak
          freeze                          become hard because of cold       donmak, buzlanmak
          frighten                        make sb afraid                    korkutmak
          fry                             cook sth in hot oil or fat        kızartmak
          fulfil                          do sth that you are expected to do  bir görevi yerine getirmek
          gain                            acquire                           elde etmek, kazanmak
          gamble                          bet                               kumar oynamak
          gather                          join other people to make a group  toplamak, bir araya getirmek

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