Page 27 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 27
join become a member of a group girmek, katılmak
judge develop an opinion yargıya varmak, karara
jump push your body up and away zıplamak, sıçramak, atlamak
haklı çıkarmak, mazur
justify give a good enough reason
keep have sth permanently saklamak, bulundurmak
kick hit or move sth/sb with your foot tekmelemek
kidnap take sb away using force to get money adam kaçırmak
kill cause sb/sth to die öldürmek
knit make clothes using wool and two sticks örgü örmek
knock make a noise by hitting sth like a door vurmak, tıklatmak
know have knowledge about sth in your mind bilmek
labour work hard sıkı çalışmak
lack not have sth/not have enough of sth eksik olmak, yokluk
land make an airplane arrive on the ground uçağı yere indirmek
last continue to happen, exist sürmek, devam etmek
uzaya fırlatmak, gemiyi
launch send a spacecraft or bomb into the sky
lay put sth down somewhere bir yere koymak, sermek
lead show sb where to go yol göstermek, öncülük etmek
eğilmek, dayanmak,
lean back/against move the top part of your body
leap into/out of suddenly move somewhere atlamak, sıçramak, zıplamak
learn get knowledge or skill öğrenmek
leave go away from a place ayrılmak, çıkmak
lend give sth to sb for a period of time ödünç vermek
let allow izin vermek
level make sth flat/completely destroy düzleştirmek
lie in/on, etc be in a flat position on a surface uzanmak, yatmak
say sth that is not true yalan söylemek
lift put sth/sb in a higher position havaya kaldırmak
link make a connection bağlamak, bağlantı yapmak
listen to give attention to sb to hear dinlemek
live be alive yaşamak, ikamet etmek
load put things into a vehicle yüklemek
loan to lend ödünç/borç/kredi vermek
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