Page 28 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 28


                  VERB                              MEANING/SYNONYM                    ANLAMI
             loathe                          hate                              nefret etmek
             locate                          find the exact position of sb/sth  yerini belirlemek
             log                             make a written record of events   kaydetmek
             lose                            not be able to find               kaybetmek
             magnify                         make an object look larger        büyütmek, abartmak
                                                                               bakımını sağlamak,
             maintain                        keep sth in good condition
             make                            produce or create sth             yapmak

             maltreat                        mistreat, abuse                   kötü davranmak
             manage                          deal with sth successfully        başarmak, becermek
             manifest                        show a quality or condition       göstermek, belli etmek
             manipulate                      control sb/sth to make them believe  yönlendirmek
             manufacture                     produce                           üretmek, imal etmek
             march                           walk as a group                   uygun adım yürümek
             mark                            show exactly the place, the time  işaret etmek, belirtmek
             marry                           begin a legal relationship        evlenmek
             match                           choose sb/sth suitable/be as good as  eşleşmek, uygun olmak
             matter                          be important/affect what happens  önemli olmak, etkilemek
             mature                          become completely grown           olgunlaşmak
             mean                            have a particular meaning/intend  anlamına gelmek,

                                             intend to express an opinion      demek istemek
             measure                         find size, weight, amount or speed  ölçmek, saptamak
             meet                            come to the same place as arranged  buluşmak
             melt                            change from a solid state into a liquid  erimek
             memorize                        learn sth so that you remember it  ezberlemek
             mend                            repair                            tamir etmek
             mention                         briefly speak about sth/sb        bahsetmek, söz etmek
             migrate                         move to another place             göç etmek
             mill                            use a machine to crush sth into powder  öğütmek, un ufak etmek
                                                                               alınmak, önemsemek,
             mind                            be annoyed/take care
             mine                            dig out of the ground minerals like coal  kazıp çıkarmak
             mingle                          mix or be mixed                   karıştırmak, katılmak
             misbehave                       behave badly                      terbiyesizlik yapmak
             mislead                         make sb believe untrue things     yanıltmak, aldatmak
             miss                            feel sad about sb you don’t see now  özlemek
                                             not go to sth                     kaçırmak, yetişememek

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