Page 36 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 36


                  VERB                              MEANING/SYNONYM                    ANLAMI
             stimulate                       make sth happen or develop more   uyarmak, harekete geçirmek
             stink                           smell very bad                    çok pis kokmak
             stir                            mix the things in a liquid by spoon  karıştırmak
             strain                          try hard to do sth                büyük çaba harcamak
             stretch                         pull sth to make it become longer  yayılmak, uzatmak, germek
             strike                          hit                               vurmak, çarpmak
             stroll          along/down, etc  walk somewhere in a relaxed way  sallana sallana yürümek

             struggle                        try very hard to do sth difficult  uğraşmak, mücadele etmek
             submit                          send a document to someone        sunmak, arz etmek
             subscribe                       pay money to receive a service regularly  abone olmak
             substitute                      use sb/sth instead of another one  yerine koymak/kullanmak
             succeed         in              achieve                           başarmak
             suffer          from            experience pain or unpleasant emotion  acı çekmek, katlanmak
             suggest                         advice/recommend                  önermek, teklif etmek
             suit                            make sb look attractive/be acceptable  uygun olmak/yakışmak
             supply          sb with sth     provide                           sağlamak, tedarik etmek
             support                         agree with sth/prove              desteklemek, doğrulamak
             suppose                         think that sth is likely to be true  farz etmek, zannetmek
             surrender                       stop fighting admitting being beaten  teslim olmak, boyun eğmek

             surround                        be around/be closely connected with  çevirmek, kuşatmak
             survive                         not die/exist                     hayatta kalmak
             suspect                         think that sb has done sth bad    şüphelenmek
             sustain                         cause/allow sth to continue       sürdürmek
             swallow                         move your throat to take food/drink in  yutmak, yutkunmak
             swear           at              use rude or offensive language    küfretmek
                                             make a serious promise            yemin etmek, and içmek
             sweep                           clean the floor using a brush     süpürmek, silmek
             swell                           increase in size or amount        şişmek, kabarmak, artmak

             switch                          change/exchange                   geçiş yapmak, değiştirmek
             tackle                          deal with                         ilgilenmek, ele almak
             take                            get and carry sth                 almak, götürmek
             taste                           have a particular flavour         ...tadında olmak
             tear                            pull paper, cloth, etc into pieces  yırtmak, yırtılmak
             tend                            be likely to do a particular thing  meyilli olmak
             terminate                       end                               bitirmek, sona erdirmek
             terrify                         make someone feel frightened      ödünü patlatmak

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