Page 34 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 34
ride travel in a vehicle binmek, sürmek, gitmek
riot take part in a riot ayaklanmak, isyan çıkarmak
rise increase/go up yükselmek/kalkmak
roam move around without any purpose gezinmek
roast cook food in an oven or over a fire kızartmak, kızarmak
rob steal from sb or somewhere soymak, soygun yapmak
roll move somewhere by turning yuvarlamak, yuvarlanmak
rot decay çürümek, kokmak
ruin spoil or destroy harap etmek, mahvetmek
rule be in control of somewhere yönetmek, hüküm sürmek
rush hurry or move quickly acele etmek, koşmak
sack tell sb to leave the job işten kovmak
sacrifice give up sth valuable to achieve sth feda etmek, kurban etmek
satisfy please someone tatmin etmek
save stop sb/sth from being destroyed kurtarmak, biriktirmek
scan examine sth with a machine aletle taramak
scare frighten korkutmak
scatter throw objects over an area dağıtmak, saçmak, serpmek
scream make a loud noise with your voice çığlık atmak
search try to find araştırmak, aramak
seat sit somewhere oturmak
secure make sth safe güvenli hale getirmek
seek try to find aramak, bulmaya çalışmak
seem appear gibi görünmek
seize hold tightly tutmak, kavramak
select choose seçmek, ayıklamak
sentence give a punishment to someone mahkum etmek
separate divide into parts ayırmak, bölmek
serve help customers and sell things to them hizmet etmek
set arrange a time when sth will happen kurmak, ayarlamak
settle start living somewhere/solve problem yerleşmek/çözüm yolu bulmak
shape influence the way sth develops biçimlendirmek
have/use sth at the same time as sb
share paylaşmak, bölüşmek
shelter provide cover or protection for sb muhafaza etmek, barınmak
shield protect against attack korumak, siper olmak
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