Page 31 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 31
pray speak to the god dua etmek
predict say what you think will happen tahmin etmek
prefer like sb/sth more than another one tercih etmek
prepare get sb/sth ready hazırlamak
prescribe say what medical treatment sb needs reçete yazmak
present give sth to sb in a formal way sunmak
preserve keep sth the same korumak, muhafaza etmek
press push sth firmly basmak, bastırmak
pretend behave as if sth is true when it is not mış gibi görünmek
prevent from stop sth happening önlemek, engel olmak
print produce writing on paper with machine basmak, yayımlamak
proceed with continue as planned planlandığı gibi devam etmek
produce make or grow sth üretmek, yapmak
progress improve, develop ilerlemek, gelişmek
prohibit forbid yasaklamak
prolong make sth last longer ömrünü uzatmak
promise say that you will do sth söz vermek
promote encourage cesaret vermek
prompt cause sth harekete geçirmek, zorlamak
pronounce make the sound of a letter or word telaffuz etmek
propose suggest önermek, teklif etmek
prosper be successful, usually by earning money başarılı ve zengin olmak
protect from keep sb/sth safe from danger korumak
prove show that sth is true ispatlamak
provide with supply sağlamak, temin etmek
publish prepare and print a book, magazine, etc yayımlamak
punish for make sb suffer cezalandırmak
pursue follow sb/sth kovalamak, peşinden koşmak
push move sb/sth by pressing them itmek, basmak
quantify measure the amount of sth ölçmek
quarrel with have an argument tartışmak, münakaşa etmek
query ask questions soru sormak
quit leave your job or school permanently ayrılmak, terk etmek
quote repeat what sb has said or written alıntı yapmak, aktarmak
race compete yarışmak
raise lift/increase/improve kaldırmak/artırmak
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