Page 35 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 35
shiver shake because of cold or fear titremek, ürpermek
shoot fire a bullet from a gun ateş etmek, silahla vurmak
shout say sth very loudly bağırmak, haykırmak
shrink become smaller/make sth smaller daralmak, küçülmek
shut close örtmek, kapamak
simplify make sth less complicated basitleştirmek
sink go down/make sth go down batmak, batırmak
skip move forward, jumping/not do sth seke seke gitmek/atlamak
slaughter kill an animal or a lot of people cruelly kesmek, katliam yapmak
slip slide by accident and fall kayıp düşmek
smash break into pieces ezmek, paramparça etmek
smell have a quality noticed by nose kokmak, koklamak
smuggle take sth into or out of a place illegally kaçakçılık yapmak
sneeze air’s suddenly coming out of your nose hapşırmak
soak put sth in a liquid for a period of time ıslatmak, ıslanmak
solve find the answer çözmek
soothe make sth less painful hafifletmek, dindirmek
sort into arrange things into different groups sınıflayarak ayırmak
span exist or continue for a distance or time sürmek, kapsamak
specify say or describe sth in detail açıkça belirtmek
spell write down/tell sb the letters of a word harf harf söylemek
spend on use money to buy/use time doing sth para/zaman harcamak
split divide/tear bölmek, parçalamak
spoil stop sth from being enjoyable bozmak, şımartmak
spray with force liquid out of a container püskürtmek
spread over/through arrange sth to cover an area yaymak, dağıtmak
spur encourage teşvik etmek, özendirmek
stab push a knife into someone bıçaklamak
stand be/rise to a vertical position ayakta durmak, dikilmek
stare at look at sb/sth for a long time dik dik bakmak
starve become ill/die because of lack of food
state officially say or write sth resmi olarak ifade etmek
stay not leave kalmak
steal secretly take sth and not return çalmak, aşırmak
stem from develop as the result of sth ... den kaynaklanmak
sterilize make sth clean and without bacteria mikroplardan arındırmak
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