Page 12 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 12


                  VERB                              MEANING/SYNONYM                    ANLAMI
             aim             at/for          try or plan to achieve sth        hedeflemek, niyet etmek
             alert                           warn                              uyarmak, alarma geçirmek
             alienate                        feel sb feel they don’t belong    yabancılaştırmak
             allege                          claim without proof               ileri sürmek
             alleviate                       ease                              hafifletmek
             allow                           let                               izin vermek
             alter                           change                            değiştirmek

             amaze                           surprise                          şaşırtmak
             amuse                           make sb laugh                     eğlendirmek
             analyse                         examine nature or struscture of sth  çözümlemek
             announce                        tell people sth officially        duyurmak
             annoy                           make sb angry                     kızdırmak
             apologise       to sb for sth   say that you are sorry            özür dilemek
             appear                          seem                              görünmek
             applaud                         show your approval by clapping hands  alkışlamak
             apply           to sb/sth for sth  make a formal request, use     başvurmak, uygulamak
             appoint         sb to sth (as sth) choose sb for a position       atamak
             appreciate                      recognise the good qualities of sb/sth  takdir etmek
             approach                        come nearer                       yaklaşmak

             approve         of sb/sth       think that sb/sth is acceptable   onaylamak
                             with sb about/
             argue                           speak angrily because you disagree  tartışmak
                             over sth
             arise           from/out of sth  happen as a result of a situation  kaynaklanmak, -den doğmak
             arouse                          make you feel more active         canlandırmak, uyandırmak
             arrange                         plan/organise sth in advance      düzenlemek
             arrest          sb for sth      take sb to police station and keep  tutuklamak
             arrive          in/at/on        get to a place                    varmak, ulaşmak
             ascend          (to sth)        rise, go up                       yükseltmek, çıkmak

             assassinate                     murder an important person        suikast yapmak
             assault                         attack sb violently               saldırmak
             assemble                        come together, bring sb/sth together  toplamak, toplanmak
             assert                          state clearly that sth is true    ileri sürmek, savunmak
             assess                          make a judgement                  değerlendirmek
             assign                          give sb responsibility            atamak
             assimilate      sb into/to sth  allow sb to become of a part of   özümsemek, sindirmek
             assist          in/with sth     help                              yardım etmek

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