Page 14 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 14
blink shut and open your eyes quickly göz kırpmak
bloom produce flowers çiçek açmak
blow send out air from the mouth üflemek, esmek
blush become red in the face yüzü kızarmak
board get on a ship, plane, train, etc gemiye, uçağa, vb binmek
boil heat to the point forming vapour kaynamak, kaynatmak
bond join two things firmly bağlamak
book reserve rezervasyon yapmak
boost make sth increase artırmak
borrow sth from sb take, use sth that belongs to sb else ödünç almak
bother annoy, worry or upset sb rahatsız etmek, sıkmak
brake make a vehicle slow down by brake frenlemek
branch divide into parts kollara ayrılmak
break separate into parts by force kırmak
breathe take air in and send it out nefes almak
breed (animals) have sex and produce young doğurmak, üretmek
brew make a hot drink demlemek, bira yapmak
bribe give sb money to persuade to help rüşvet vermek
bring come to a place with sb/sth getirmek
browse review gözden geçirmek
build make sth, especially of a building inşa etmek
bump against/into sth hit sb/sth accidentally çarpmak
burgle enter a building illegally to steal soymak
burn be on fire yanmak
burrow make a hole in the ground by digging delmek
bury place a dead body in a grave gömmek
buy purchase satın almak
buzz (of a bee) make a continuous sound vızıldamak
calculate use numbers to find out a total hesaplamak
call give sb/sth a name, telephone çağırmak, seslenmek
cancel an arranged event will not take place iptal etmek
captivate keep sb’s attention by being attractive büyülemek, çekmek
capture catch sb/sth to take under control ele geçirmek, zapt etmek
carry take sth wherever you go taşımak
cast smile/throw/describe gülümsemek, atmak
catch stop and hold a moving object yakalamak
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