Page 15 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 15
cause make sth happen sebep olmak
cease stop happening or existing durdurmak
celebrate do sth special on an event kutlamak
challenge test sb’s skills and ability meydan okumak
change become different, alter değişmek, değiştirmek
charge sb/sth for ask an amount of money, electricity şarj etmek, yüklemek
chase after sb/sth run after sb/sth to catch kovalamak
chat to/with sb talk in a friendly way sohbet etmek
cheat trick, deceive aldatmak
check examine kontrol etmek
cherish love sb/sth very much çok sevmek, içinde yaşatmak
chew bite food into small pieces çiğnemek
choke on sth be unable to breathe boğulmak, tıkanmak
choose decide which thing or person seçmek
chop sth up into sth cut sth into pieces kesmek, doğramak
circulate move continuously around a system dolaşmak, dönmek
cite mention, quote bahsetmek, alıntı yapmak
claim say sth is true iddia etmek
clap hit your open hands together alkışlamak
clarify make sth clearer to understand açıklamak
classify arrange sth in groups sınıflandırmak
clean make sth free from dirt temizlemek
clear remove sth that is not wanted temizlemek, gidermek
climb go up tırmanmak
close shut kapatmak
collaborate work together with sb işbirliği yapmak
collapse fall down çökmek
collect bring together toplamak
collide with sb/sth crash into sth çarpışmak
colonise take control of an area by force sömürge kurmak
combat stop sth unpleasant, fight against mücadele etmek
combine sth with sth come together birleşmek, birleştirmek
comfort make sb feel better rahatlatmak
command order emir vermek
commemorate memorize anmak
commence start başlamak
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