Page 13 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 13


               VERB                              MEANING/SYNONYM                    ANLAMI
          associate       with sb/sth     make a connection                 ilişkilendirmek, bağ kurmak
          assume                          think that sth is true            varsaymak, üstlenmek
          assure                          tell sb that sth is true          sağlamak, inandırmak
          astonish                        surprise                          şaşırtmak
          attach          sth (to sth)    fasten or join one thing to another  iliştirmek, eklemek
          attack                          use violence to hurt              saldırmak, hücum etmek
          attain                          succeed                           başarmak

                                                                            girişimde bulunmak,
          attempt                         try to do
          attend                          be present or go regularly        katılmak, devam etmek
          attract                         make sb/sth have a reaction       çekmek, cezbetmek
          attribute       sth to sth      say that sth is the result of sth  bağlamak, dayandırmak
          avoid                           prevet sth bad from happening     önlemek, sakınmak
          awake                           make sb wake up                   uyandırmak, uyanmak
          balance                         keep steady                       dengelemek
          ban             sb from         forbid sth officially             yasaklamak

                          with sb about/
          bargain                         discuss prices, conditions        pazarlık etmek
                          over sth
          base                            use a place as the main place     üs yapmak, dayandırmak

          battle          with/against/for   try very hard to achieve sth   mücadele etmek, savaşmak
          bear                            be able to accept, deal with      taşımak, katlanmak
          beat                            defeat/hit                        yenmek, vurmak
          become                          start to be                       olmak
          behave                          act                               davranmak

          believe         (in sth)        feel certain that sth is true     inanmak
          belong          to sb/sth       be in the right or suitable place  ait olmak
          bend                            lean or make sth lean             eğmek, bükmek
          bet             (on/against sth)  risk money on an event by guessing  iddiaya girmek
          betray                          not being loyal or faithful       ihanet etmek
          bind            to sb/sth       tie                               bağlamak
          bite                            use your teeth to cut sth         ısırmak
          blame           sb/sth for      accuse                            suçlamak
          blast                           explode                           patlamak

          bleed                           lose blood                        kan kaybetmek, kanamak
          blend                           mix substances together           karıştırmak
          bless                           ask god to protect sb/sth         kutsamak

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