Page 16 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 16


                  VERB                              MEANING/SYNONYM                    ANLAMI
             commend         sb on sth       praise, flatter                   övmek
             comment         on/upon sth     express an opinion about sth      yorum yapmak
             commit                          be loyal                          kendini adamak
                                             commit a crime/commit suicide     suç işlemek/intihar etmek
             commute                         travel regularly by bus, train, etc  işe, okula düzenli seyahat
                                             replace sth with sth else, less severe  hafifletmek
             compact                         press sth together firmly         sıkıştırmak, yoğunlaştırmak

             compare         sth to/with sth  state that sb/sth is similar to sb/sth  kıyaslamak, karşılaştırmak
             compel                          force                             zorlamak
             compensate      for sth         provide sth good to balance       telafi etmek, karşılamak
             compete         with/against    try to be better than sb else     yarışmak, çekişmek
             compile                         produce sth by bringing together items  derlemek, sıralamak
             complain        to sb about sth  say that you are annoyed about sb/sth  şikayet etmek
             complete                        finish making or doing sth        tamamlamak
             complicate                      make sth more difficult to do     güçleştirmek
             comply          with sth        obey a rule, an order, etc        uymak
             compose                         combine together to form a whole  oluşturmak
             compost                         make sth into compost             gübrelemek
             comprehend                      understand fully                  anlamak

             comprise        of sth          consist of                        içermek, kapsamak
             compromise                      give up demands to reach agreement  uzlaşmak, taviz vermek
             compute                         calculate                         hesaplamak
             conceal         sb/sth from     hide                              saklamak
             concentrate     on sth          give all your attention           odaklanmak
             concern         in/with/about   affect, involve, worry            ilgilendirmek, kaygılanmak
             conclude        sth (from sth)  finalize, end                     sonuçlandırmak
             concur          with            agree                             aynı fikirde olmak
             condemn         for/as sth      express strong disapproval        kınamak

             condense                        change from a gas into liquid     yoğunlaşmak
             conduct                         organise or do a particular activity  yürütmek, yönetmek
             confess         to sth          admit that you have done sth wrong  itiraf etmek
             confine                         keep sb/sth inside the limits, restrict  sınırlamak
             confirm                         show that sth is definitely true  doğrulamak, onaylamak
             conflict                        clash                             çatışmak
             confuse                         make sb unable to think clearly   şaşırtmak
             congratulate    sb on sth       tell sb you’re pleased with the success  kutlamak

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