Page 30 - Vocabulary_kitap-1 unit web edition
P. 30


                  VERB                              MEANING/SYNONYM                    ANLAMI
             oppress                         treat people in an unfair way     zulüm etmek, eziyet etmek
             opt             for             choose                            seçmek
             order                           give sb an instruction            emretmek
             originate       from/in/with    come from a particular place      ...den çıkmak, başlamak
             outlaw                          make sth officially illegal       yasaklanmak
             outnumber                       be larger in number than another group  sayıca üstün olmak
             outweigh                        be greater or more important than sth  ...den daha büyük/önemli

             overcharge                      charge sb too much money for sth  fazla para almak, kazıklamak
             overcome                        deal with and control a problem   üstesinden gelmek
             overwhelm                       have an effect that is too strong  etkisi altına almak
             owe                             have to pay money back to sb      borçlu olmak
             own                             have sth that legally belongs to you  sahip olmak
             pack                            put your things into bags         eşyalarını toplamak
             paint                           cover a surface with paint        boyamak, resim yapmak
             paralyse                        make sb unable to move            felç olmak, kötürüm kalmak
             paraphrase                      express sth said before in another way  başka sözcüklerle anlatmak
             participate     in              be involved                       katılmak, içinde bulunmak
             pass                            go past                           geçmek, geçip gitmek
             paste                           stick a piece of paper/info to another  yapıştırmak

             pay             for             give money to buy sth/be a good thg  ödemek (para/borç)
             peak                            reach the highest level           zirveye ulaşmak
             peel                            remove the skin of sth            kabuğunu, derisini soymak
             penetrate                       move into an object, a place or a group  batmak, saplanmak, girmek
             perceive                        think of sth/sb in a particular way  algılamak, sezmek
             perform                         do a job or a piece of work       yapmak, icra etmek
             permit          allow           izin vermek
             persist                         continue                          devam etmek, sürmek

             persuade                        make sb agree to do sth           ikna etmek, razı etmek
             plant                           put seeds or plants in the ground  dikmek, ekmek
             polish                          rub sth with a cloth to make it shine  cilalamak
             pollute                         make sth dirty                    kirletmek
             possess                         have, own                         sahip olmak
             postpone                        arrange for sth to happen at a later time  ertelemek
             pour                            make a liquid flow from/into a container  dökmek, doldurmak, koymak
             praise                          say that you admire sth/sb        övmek, methetmek

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