Page 141 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 141


            79.  Alice:
                – Are you ready for our rafting trip down the   81 - 100. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca
                                                                en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
                 Linderland river?
                Bob:                                        81.  The first scientific study of electrical and
                – ----                                         magnetic phenomena did not appear until
                Alice:                                         1600.
                – I can’t believe it! And we are supposed to   A)  The first scientific study of electrical and
                 leave in two days.                               magnetic phenomena in 1600 was not very
                Bob:                                              important.
                – I thought you could lend me some of your     B)  There was no apparent scientific study of
                 equipment.                                       electrical and magnetic phenomena for 1600
                A)  I hate to tell you this but I haven’t got any   years.
                   supplies.                                   C)  Until 1600, there had been very little scientific
                B)  I couldn’t get permission from my wife.       study of electrical and magnetic phenomena.
                C)  I’m afraid I have to be at the office at the   D)  In 1600, the first scientific study of electrical
                   weekend.                                       and magnetic phenomena appeared.
                D)  I don’t want to do it anymore.             E)  People managed to solve electrical and
                E)  I’ve changed my mind. Instead of you, I’m     magnetic phenomena for the first time in
                   going with Mary.


            80.  Donny:                                     82.  Writing originated in the ancient Middle East,
                – Do you know what causes altitude             and the concept of writing spread eastward to
                 sickness?                                     India and China.
                Darko:                                         A)  People in the ancient Middle East took the
                – As far as I remember, it is caused by           idea of writing eastward to India and China.
                 reduced oxygen pressure at high altitudes.
                Donny:                                         B)  After writing started in ancient Middle East,
                                                                  the idea of writing became known in eastern
                – ----                                            countries such as India and China.
                Darko:                                         C)  Both India and China improved the system of
                – I don’t know. Maybe it is because of the        writing after ancient Middle Eastern people
                 encyclopedias I read in my spare time.           had invented it.
                A)  How come you know these things?            D)  When people in the ancient Middle East
                B)  I wonder what causes sea sickness too, do     started writing, it was already known in India
                   you?                                           and China.
                C)  Do you also know who invented penicillin?  E)  Writing started first in ancient Middle East,
                                                                  but the original idea was from such eastern
                D)  Which encyclopedia do you use to acquire      countries as India and China.
                   such knowledge?
                E)  Do you know how to search for information on
                   the Internet?

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