Page 142 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 142
83. While the British were developing little dogs, 85. In Zambia, the Government has been trying to
true hunting dogs were emerging in Europe. involve all sectors in HIV prevention.
A) European people turned little dogs of the A) According to the Zambian government,
British into real hunting dogs. involvement of all sectors can prevent HIV.
B) As soon as the British developed little dogs, B) Involvement of all sectors in HIV prevention is
these dogs became true hunting dogs in important for the government in Zambia.
C) All sectors of the Zambian government have
C) During the development stage of little dogs been trying to prevent HIV.
from the British, true hunting dogs of Europe D) For HIV prevention, the Zambian government
were taken as models.
has invited all sectors to participate in the
D) First, the British developed little dogs, and research.
then, true hunting dogs appeared in Europe. E) The Zambian government has been in an
E) Real hunting dogs were appearing in Europe effort to involve all sectors in preventing HIV.
at a time when the British were breeding small
84. Observations of humans have proved to be 86. Immediately after her graduation, she found a
invaluable in cancer research as well. job in a school for foreign students.
A) In cancer research, observations of people A) A short time after she had received her
can also be very beneficial. diploma, she started to work in a school for
B) Also in cancer research it has proved foreign students.
extremely valuable to get observations of B) After her graduation from a school for foreign
people. learners, she started to work as a teacher
C) Cancer research mainly depends on valuable
observations of humans as well. C) A job in a school for foreign students is a good
D) People have proved that observation is chance for her after graduation.
extremely important in cancer research too. D) A school for foreign students had already
offered her to work for them shortly before she
E) Very important observations in cancer got her diploma.
research come from humans as well.
E) After her graduation, she acted quickly to look
for a job in schools for foreign students.
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