Page 144 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 144


          91.  I felt extremely exhausted as I had been   93.  The problem of regulating private TV channels
             helping villagers to excavate a water well.     will be a hard one to solve.

             A)  My efforts to help villagers to excavate a   A)  Private TV channels will find it difficult to
                water well have made me feel unbelievably      regulate themselves.
                tired out.                                   B)  Solving the problem of regulating private TV
             B)  Because I had been busy helping villagers     channels has already proved to be hard.
                with the excavation work of a water well, I was
                very tired.                                  C)  The regulation will become a difficult problem
                                                               for private TV channels to solve.
             C)  I had become very tired, but still I helped the   D)  It will be difficult to solve the problem of
                villagers in their effort to dig a water well.
                                                               regulating private TV channels.
             D)  Whenever I help villagers in their effort to
                dig a water well, I feel extremely exhausted   E)  No private TV channel is going to solve the
                afterwards.                                    problem of regulations easily.
             E)  While I was trying to help the villagers to
                excavate a water well, I felt extremely tired.


          92.  When Selim I died in 1566, he had been ruling   94.  The old politician wrote his autobiography
             for forty-six years.                            easily because he had been keeping daily
             A)  Selim I left the throne after a rule of forty-six
                years and died in 1566.                      A)  The old politician had been keeping daily
             B)  The sudden death of Selim I in 1566 ended a   notes so that he could write his autobiography
                                                               easily one day.
                rule of forty-six years.
                                                             B)  For the old politician, it was easy to write his
             C)  When he died in 1566, Selim I had been on     autobiography because of some daily-kept
                the throne for forty-six years.                notes of high value.
             D)  In 1566, the longest-ruling sultan, Selim I,   C)  Most politicians keep daily notes because
                died at the age of forty-six.                  this makes it easy for them to write their
             E)  Selim I had already completed his forty-sixth   autobiography in their old age.
                year on the throne in 1566 when he suddenly   D)  When an old politician is in possession
                died.                                          of daily-kept notes, the task of writing an
                                                               autobiography is easy.
                                                             E)  While he was writing his autobiography, his
                                                               daily-kept notes of the past made the task
                                                               easy for the old politician.

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