Page 146 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 146


          99.  Researchers have found very little authentic
             evidence of the Viking presence in America.     101 - 110. sorularda, verilen durumda
                                                             söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
             A)  According to researchers, there is not enough
                authentic evidence to prove the Viking   101.You have applied for the post of teaching in a
                presence in America.                         kindergarten. You have just learned that you
             B)  Because of certain authentic signs,         are given the job. You state happily:
                researchers believe in the presence of Vikings   A)  l knew l would get the job. They had no other
                in America.                                    option but give me the job!
             C)  According to researchers, Vikings did not   B)  This will be my first job; and after a few
                leave a lot of traces in America while they    months, l can apply to another one.
                lived there.
                                                             C)  l am extremely delighted to be put in charge
             D)  Researchers have failed to find enough real   of the under-fives; l really love working with
                evidence of the Viking presence in America.    little children.
             E)  The amount of real evidence of the Viking   D)  Well, this is better than nothing. At least I’ll be
                presence in America is not sufficient for      able to earn some pocket money!
                research purposes.
                                                             E)  l know what I’ll do to those spoilt brats. Let
                                                               them see a proper teacher for once!


          100.Every piece of new information about       102.A friend has just seen a film and she insists
             our universe has been valuable for future       that you see it as well. Yet, you do not like the
             investigators.                                  leading actor and say that bluntly to her:
             A)  Every future investigator hopes to get a piece   A)  I can understand why you liked the film so
                of valuable information about the universe.    much, with your favourite actor being in the
                                                               leading role.
             B)  Every piece of new information about
                our universe would be very useful for        B)  But there is not a single person I know by
                investigators.                                 name in that film you’re recommending.
             C)  For future investigators, any scrap of new   C)  Have I told you about his performance in the
                information about the universe is extremely    last film I watched? It was terrific!
                                                             D)  The film can be good but I doubt that the
             D)  For a future investigator, our universe can   leading actor is the right choice.
                provide pieces of both new and valuable      E)  To tell you the truth, I can’t stand the sight of
                                                               that actor in any film.
             E)  Future investigators have obtained pieces
                of new and valuable information about our

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