Page 145 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 145


            95.  The mosquito will have evolved genetic     97.  By the mid-1970s, concern was rising that the
                resistance to the pesticide before long.       Mediterranean Sea was dying from industrial
                A)  So far, the mosquito has already evolved
                   genetic resistance to the pesticide.        A)  People in the mid-1970s were afraid because
                                                                  industrial wastes were a great danger for the
                B)  It does not take the mosquito long to develop   Mediterranean Sea.
                   genetic resistance to the pesticide.
                                                               B)  People were increasingly worried by the mid-
                C)  Soon, the pesticide will be ineffective because   1970s because industrial wastes were killing
                   of genetic resistance in the mosquito.         the Mediterranean Sea.
                D)  Soon, because of evolution, the mosquito will   C)  Industrial wastes were a reason of
                   be genetically resistant to the pesticide.     concern in the mid-1970s for people of the
                E)  Sooner or later, every mosquito becomes       Mediterranean Sea area.
                   genetically resistant to pesticides.        D)  People were more concerned in the
                                                                  Mediterranean Sea during the mid-1970s
                                                                  because of industrial wastes.
                                                               E)  By the mid-1970s, the death of the
                                                                  Mediterranean Sea because of industrial
                                                                  wastes had become a known factor.


            96.  Are you going to appoint someone from the   98.  In several African countries, millions of males
                office for the post of under-secretary?        will eventually die of AIDS.
                A)  Shall we appoint a colleague from the office   A)  AIDS is the number one cause of death of
                   for the post of under-secretary?               millions of males in several African countries.
                B)  Will someone from the office become the new   B)  In some African countries, there will finally
                   under-secretary?                               be millions of death cases of male citizens
                                                                  because of AIDS.
                C)  Are you considering appointing a new under-
                   secretary for the office?                   C)  AIDS will kill millions of men in many African
                D)  Have you decided who to appoint from the      countries.
                   office for the post of under-secretary?     D)  Death of millions of males in several
                                                                  African countries because of AIDS is hardly
                E)  Will you be choosing someone from the office   inevitable.
                   as under-secretary?
                                                               E)  Soon, millions of male citizens of certain
                                                                  countries in Africa will face death because
                                                                  they will develop AIDS.

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