Page 143 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 143
87. In the last two decades of his life, Edison 89. Astronomers are still searching for intelligent
became the nation’s inventor-philosopher. creatures in the Milky Way.
A) Edison’s lifetime achievement as an inventor- A) Astronomers failed to prove the existence
philosopher of his country was evident two of intelligent creatures in the Milky Way until
decades ago. recently.
B) About twenty years after his death, people B) In their search for intelligent creatures,
saw Edison as the nation’s inventor- astronomers focus only on the Milky Way.
C) Astronomers are doing an experiment on the
C) Edison was both and inventor and a only intelligent creature in the Milky Way.
philosopher in the last years of his life.
D) Astronomers are planning to search the Milky
D) In the final twenty years of his lifetime, Edison Way for intelligent creatures.
was the inventor-philosopher of his country. E) Even today, astronomers are trying to find
E) The whole nation regarded Edison as an creatures with intelligence in the Milky Way.
inventor-philosopher almost twenty years ago.
88. Ages before man came to chop trees for his 90. The famous footballer was getting ready to
use, ice and fire were their fierce enemies. enter the game when he felt a sudden pain in
his chest.
A) First, ice and fire damaged these trees, and
then man arrived to chop the remaining ones. A) The famous footballer was about to enter the
B) Long before man arrived to cut trees for his game when there was a sudden pain in his
use, they were under the threat of ice and fire.
B) The sudden pain in his chest prevented the
C) These trees had to fight with ice and fire as famous footballer from entering the game.
well as with humans with an intention to cut
them. C) With a pain his chest, the famous footballer
D) A long time before man arrived to chop trees went on getting prepared to enter the game.
for his use, ice and fire had destroyed most of D) Before he felt a pain in his chest, the famous
them. footballer had prepared himself for a new game.
E) Both ice and fire were enemies to man, so he E) The famous footballer decided not to prepare
had to chop trees for his use. himself for the game because there was a
sudden pain in his chest.
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