Page 161 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 161


            24.  If a detailed search hadn’t been carried out at   27.  Shortly after Mr. Brandon died, ----.
                customs, ----.
                                                               A)  his relatives have been informed how all his
                A)  such crimes as pick pocketing and theft would   fortune will be shared
                   make the area unsafe                        B)  his lawyers stated that he had left all his
                B)  such a large amount of drugs wouldn’t have    money to a charity
                   been discovered
                                                               C)  his legal children have been claimed to have
                C)  the number of smugglers had increased a lot   taken over his business
                   recently                                    D)  the households wouldn’t have been divided
                D)  they wouldn’t have managed to get so much     up among his heirs
                   illegal drugs into the country
                                                               E)  his debts should have been paid iwithin six
                E)  people who get through illegally wouldn’t be   month’s time

            25.  ----, contact the written telephone number on   28.  ----, pupils will be offered a four-year
                the brochure.                                  scholarship by the faculty management.

                A)  So long as there is no information mistake in   A)  Provided that they get 90 out of 100 in the test
                   the booklet                                 B)  Even if they get a satisfying score in the
                B)  Although it has been explained in detail with a   achievement test
                   lot of examples                             C)  If the team is beaten at this match
                C)  Even if you like the pictures printed on the
                   handout                                     D)  In order to stay in the campus dormitories
                D)  Since I have to apply what the manager     E)  While taking the proficiency test
                E)  If you need additional information on the

            26.  More than 1,400,000 acres of forest in
                Germany have been damaged by acid rain,
                A)  because the problem exists in many
                   European countries
                B)  and so have forests in Denmark, France and
                C)  although they help to prevent avalanches and
                D)  also chemical wastes accumulates in waters
                E)  but it doesn’t still exceed the air pollution in
                   the west

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