Page 160 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 160


              16. - 20. sorularda aşağıdaki parçada          21. - 28. sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan
              numaralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen          yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi
              sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                   bulunuz.

             It was one of (16)‑‑‑‑ shocking zoological   21.  lt is very difficult to go to university in
             discoveries of the century. A fish, called      England ----.
             coelacanth, now thought to have been extinct
             for 70 million years, turned up in a South African   A)  although students have to take ten different
             fisherman’s net in 1938. (17)‑‑‑‑ a few more were   subjects
             caught near the Comoro Islands (18)‑‑‑‑ Africa,   B)  unless you have passed your A level exams
             scientists sought to find one in its natural habitat,   with good grades
             living as it did nearly 400 million years ago. What
             environment did it prefer? Did it walk on its fins,   C)  when you want to study a particular subject
             as some believed? Finally, in 1986 a team (19)----   abroad
             by marine biologists Hans Fricke from the Max   D)  since it is always possible to take the exam
             Planck Institute in Germany (20)---- in finding
             several coelacanths at home.                      again to get a better grade
                                                             E)  even though students take smaller tests in
                                                               many countries involving modules

             A) many               B) more
             C) the most           D) most
                       E) the more                       22.  As soon as oil has been extracted from an oil
                                                             well, ----.

                                                               remove water and solids
          17.                                                A)  it is treated with chemicals and heat to
             A) Provied that       B) As                     B)  it has been known to humans for thousands
             C) While              D) As if                    of years
                       E) Whereas                            C)  it is always used for limited purposes in

          18.                                                D)  the real use of petroleum dates back the 19th
             A) off                B) in                     E)  the drilling of an oil well by Edwin Drake in the
             C) at                 D) on      E) with          US in 1859 is known as the first one

             A) to have led        B) to be leading
             C) leading            D) to lead            23.  Those paintings which hang on the wall were
                                                             painted in the 19th century, ----.
                       E) led
                                                             A)  but they were stolen last week by two burglars
                                                             B)  while they were being kept in a room with two
          20.                                                  guards
             A)  have succeeded
                                                             C)  although nobody will be able to purchase
             B)  had been succeeding                           them
             C)  were succeeding                             D)  and they are the most noteworthy ones in our
             D)  succeeded
                                                             E)  even though they will have been insured by
             E)  succeed                                       next week

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