Page 157 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 157


            145.(I) We think of plastics as new materials,   148.(I) American women have historically been
                but bacteria have been making them for         victimized by discrimination in voting, employment
                3.5 billion years. (II) Many species make      and other civil rights. (II) In the late 1960s, women
                polyesters almost identical to those used in   organized to demand legal equality with men.
                synthetic fibres. (III) But there’s an all-important   (III) They founded the National Organization for
                difference between biological plastics and     Women and other groups to press for equality
                the chemical synthetics. (IV) Bioplastic is    in education, employment and government.
                biodegradable; synthetics have a mirror-image   (IV) Asian Americans have also suffered
                molecular chain that inhibits biodegradation.   discrimination, notably in immigration quotas and
                (V) Japan, one of the most important plastic-  in employment and housing. (V) As a result of the
                manufacturers of the whole world, is critically   1964 Civil Rights Act, women made some gains
                short of landfill space.                       against employment discrimination.
                A) I    B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V          A) I     B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V

            146.(I) Most of us learn basic facts about the human   149.(I) In classical music, 2006 was ordained the year
                brain in our high school biology classes. (II) The   of Mozart, to be initiated in Austria. (II) Celebrations
                problem is that we use mainly one hemisphere of   of the composer’s 250th birthday began here
                our brain —the left. (III) We study the subcortex,   and around the country and will continue far past
                the “old brain”, which is responsible for basic   Mozart’s Friday birthday. (III) When Mozart is
                functions such as breathing, eating and drinking.   performed well, it sounds so easy that any child
                (IV) We learn about the neocortex, the “new    can identify with it. (IV) What accounts for the
                brain”, which is unique to humans and is where   enduring appeal of an 18th-century Austrian who
                complex brain activity takes place. (V) We find  died in relative poverty at age 35? (V) To Colorado
                that the cerebrum, which is responsible for    Springs Chorale conductor Donald Jenkins,
                all active thought, is divided into two parts, or   Mozart’s appeal is as spiritual as it is musical.
                hemispheres.                                   A) I     B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V
                A) l    B) ll   C) lll   D) lV   E) V

            147.(I) Though his empire died with him, and he   150.(I) The Magellanic Penguin is a South American
                left no remarkable legacy, he has become a     penguin, breeding in coastal Argentina, Chile
                legendary figure in the history of Europe.     and the Falkland Islands, with some migrating
                (II) Attila attempted escape during his stay in   to Brazil. (II) Penguins can’t fly on their own, so
                Rome but failed. (III) He turned his attention to   373 lost penguins got a little help getting home.
                an intense study of the empire while outwardly   (III) They caught a ride with the Brazilian air
                ceasing to struggle against his hostage status.   force! (IV) The lost Magellanic penguins began
                (IV) He studied the internal and foreign policies   turning up in July on Brazil’s northern shore,
                of the Romans. (V) He learned about leadership,   far from their home. (V) Warmer water likely
                protocol and other essentials suited to future   confused the anchovy-loving species, leading
                rulers and diplomats.                          them to stray farther north than usual in their
                                                               search for food.
                A) I    B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                               A) I     B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V

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