Page 156 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 156


          139.En eski çağlardan beri, insanoğlu insan    142.(I) Tuvalu is listed by the United Nations as one
             vücudunun yapısını hep merak etmiştir.          of the world’s least developed countries. (II) The
                                                             Tuvaluan government requested this distinction
             A)  Ever since the earliest times, mankind has   in 1986 in order to qualify for loans from relief
                always been curious about the structure of the   organizations such as the World Bank and the
                human body.                                  IMF. (III) Most of the population belongs to the
             B)  Since early times, man has been studying on   Congregationalist Church of Tuvalu, a Protestant
                human body and its structure.                church. (IV) The economy is mainly a subsistence
                                                             one, especially on the outer islands. (V) Tuvalu
             C)  The curiosity about human body and its      depends heavily on economic assistance for
                structure has been the challenging subject for   government and other major expenditures.
                man since the earliest times.
                                                             A) I    B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V
             D)  People living in the past studied the human
                body to gain knowledge on its structure.
             E)  For centuries, the structure of the human
                body has taken the attention of people.

          140.Erkek bir ahtapot bir dişi gördüğünde normalde
             grimsi olan vücudu aniden çizgili hale gelir.  143.(I) The Intercity Express trains have been in
                                                             operation in Germany for seven years, and have
             A)  When a male octopus spots a female, his     proved enormously popular. (II) A German high-
                body, which is normally greyish, suddenly    tech passenger train crashed into a bridge near
                becomes striped.                             the village of Eschede in Germany, killing 98
             B)  After a male octopus saw a female one, all of   people and injuring hundreds. (III) The 13-carriage
                                                             express train was travelling at a speed of
                a sudden his normally greyish body became    201 km/h. (IV) There were approximately 400
                striped.                                     passengers on board. (V) The accident was the
             C)  The striped body of a grey-coloured male    worst rail disaster ever to occur in the country,
                octopus obtains this quality any time he sees  and has raised questions about the safety of high-
                a female octopus.                            speed rail travel.
             D)  When the body of a male octopus becomes     A) I    B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V
                striped, it means that it has just seen a
             E)  A female octopus makes herself seen by a
                grey male just by making its body striped.

              141 - 150. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
              okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
              bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                         144.(I) During the 1800s, overseas migration grew
          141.(I) Hittite culture survived in Malatya and other   rapidly. (II) Tens of millions of Europeans,
                                                             Asians, and Africans boarded ships to find
             small states in eastern Asia Minor. (II) Of the   work and to settle in distant lands - in some
             Anatolian cultures of the succeeding Bronze Age,   cases halfway around the world. (III) Four
             the most important was that of the Hittites, about   circumstances shaped this massive population
             1900-1200 BC, which originated in the central   movement. (IV) These immigrants and their
             plateau. (III) At its widest extent, the Hittite Empire   descendants greatly increased the population
             covered most of Asia Minor and rivalled Egypt as   and transformed the mixture of peoples
             a Middle Eastern power. (IV) It was destroyed by   and cultures in many parts of the world, not
             invaders known as the Sea Peoples, who swept    least in the Americas. (V) The legacy of this
             over Asia Minor and Syria towards the end of    extraordinary population movement remains
             the 12th century BC. (V) The destruction of the   profound today.
             western Anatolian city of Troy probably occurred
             during these invasions.                         A) I    B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V
             A) I    B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V

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