Page 158 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 158


                                                         5.  The burglar ---- the house and stole all their
              1. - 8. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere   money and jewelry.
              uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                             A) put away           B) relied on
          1.  Generally speaking, the ---- of cannon
             is credited to a German monk, Berthold          C) turned down        D) broke into
             Schwarz.                                                  E) brought about

             A) speculation        B) extension
             C) creativity         D) invention
                       E) privacy

                                                         6.  Every year, many people ---- in hospitals who
                                                             ---- almost fatal minor electric accidents in
                                                             their homes.

                                                             A)  are treated / have had
          2.  Rock music ---- in the US, but it has been     B)  treated / are having
             influenced and shaped by a broad field of       C)  will be treated / will be having
             cultures and musical traditions.
                                                             D)  had been treated / had
             A) defeated           B) organised              E)  have been treated / are going to have
                                               7.  There ---- no sign to hope that the US military
             C) defined            D) obtained
                       E) originated

                                                             A)  had appeared / is providing
          3.  The streets get so chaotic every day that      force ---- peace and security for people in Iraq.
             traffic comes to a standstill and this makes    B)  appeared / has provided
             commuters ----.                                 C)  appears / will provide
             A) faithful           B) similar                D)  has appeared / will have provided
             C) stressful          D) remarkable             E)  will appear / provided
                       E) aware

                                                         8.  St. Pierre Church, ---- back to the early
                                                             periods of Christianity, ---- every year on
          4.  The cells of the body in warm-blooded          religious holidays by various people.
             animals work most ---- within a narrow range    A)  dated / visited
             of temperatures.
                                                             B)  being dated / will be visiting
             A) efficiently        B) significantly
                                                             C)  has dated / is being visited
             C) angrily            D) eagerly                D)  dating / is visited
                       E) inactively
                                                             E)  dates / will have been visited

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