Page 159 - Self Study 2 - Web Edition
P. 159


                                                            13.  Whether the company will collapse will be a
                 9. - 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere   matter of time ---- how gross its reputation
                 uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.     may be.

            9.  Put those plates ---- the shelf just ---- the   A) in case           B) as soon as
                                                               C) although           D) no matter
                A) to / on            B) for / over                       E) whereas
                C) on / above         D) of / under
                          E) off / behind

            10.  Our company has invested ---- the biggest   14.  ---- being an architect, my cousin can make
                construction project in the country, so failure   accurate predictions about the stock market
                is ---- the question!                          although he has never studied accountancy.

                A) in / out of        B) with / from           A) Unlike             B) Despite
                C) on / of            D) at / beyond           C) Rather than        D) Besides
                          E) for / below                                  E) Owing to

            11.  These essays are usually quite complicated   15.  In order to avoid revealing the real victims’
                ---- those who study Literature and they are   identities, ---- the names used in the novel are
                absolutely ---- their level.                   fictitious.
                A) of / over          B) at / down             A) every one          B) each
                C) for / beyond       D) in / against          C) most               D) many
                          E) with / under                                 E) all

            12.  It is striking to witness such massive
                consumption ---- some poor people are

                A) since              B) unless
                C) while              D) now that
                          E) even if

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